Monday, June 1, 2009

How To Care Baby's Umbilical Cord

After your newborn's umbilical cord is cut, a small stump will remain that will need to be cleaned and cared for until it falls off. This usually takes place after 1 to 2 weeks.

Healing takes place quickly when the cord is kept clean and dry. You can clean the cord by gently rubbing a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol over the cord and surrounding area. Do this at every other diaper change, and be sure to fold your baby's diaper down slightly to prevent rubbing and irritation. You can also buy special newborn diapers that have a crescent cut out of the top just for this purpose.

Don't worry if you see a little bit of discharge or dried blood in the area. This is perfectly normal unless the area is consistently reddened or the discharge has a foul smell. In that case, call your doctor for an appointment so you can make sure there isn't any infection.

Until the umbilical stump falls off, you will want to stick to sponge baths so that the cord doesn't become too wet. After it has fallen off, you can begin taking regular baths in a baby tub or sink.

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