Sunday, March 7, 2010
How To Overcome Bed-Wetting Habbit
So many complaints from parents who worry about their child's bedwetting habits. Moreover, children still bed-wetting after passing the age of 6-7 years. Certainly would be a big question for parent.
What is bed-wetting? And why it happened and how to train them to stop bedwetting?
Bedwetting in a medical term is enuresis, the urine out unconsciously in his sleep at the age where child should have been able to control the desire to urinate. Sometimes the definition of incontinence is also used to describe children who failed to control expenses in the urine when they are awake.
In fact, the teenagers and parents incontinence are also common. But for children, bedwetting is often a very embarrassing thing. As for parents, this can be a frustrating experience.
More than 50 million children worldwide aged 5-15 years were still bedwetting. One in four children still bedwetting when they were 3.5 years of age. Meanwhile, at the age of five years, one in five children still bedwetting and at the age of six years of falling into one of 10 children. Usually enuresis will stop when the child reaches the age of puberty. The boy get more bedwetting than girls.
"This is a hidden problem of childhood because people tend to not talk about it outside the house, so most kids think they are the only one with problems," said pediatrician from Washington DC, United States and author of "Waking Up Dry" Dr. Howard Bennett.
In fact, state of stress can also trigger secondary bedwetting. It was formerly regarded as bedwetting habits psychological problems. However, now known that biological factors play a role bigger. Can be ascertained also, it is declining in the family.
More than 75 percent of children who have parents with bedwetting problems, also will have the same problem.
"The story about these genetic problems to the child will make her better," advises Bennett.
Bed-wetting can also be a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes or urinary tract infection, especially when there is a child who had never wet the bed. Bed-wetting is not a child's mistakes. Unfortunately, some parents still think that the bed-wetting comes from a lack of discipline, and can be cured by punishment.
What to do if the child bed-wetting, do not show resentment, anger, or even panic.
Discuss with the kids. There are many cases where children stop bed-wetting after talk of caution. Give support to children, this is the most important actions.
Never embarrass a child or other children to compare with, even if the child had not bed-wetting give him gifts of praise about his success in front of many people, so he's more motivated.
Ask your child to change the bed linens and clothes at night, when the child is already able to do it. Then, install an alarm clock that will ring 2-3 hours after the child was asleep, so he can wake up to go to the bathroom.If necessary, buy an anti bed-wetting alarm suitable for children aged five years and over.
This alarm has a moisture sensor which worn directly on the underwear. In the first drops, a buzzer buzzing, wake the child. Gradually the child learns to wake up when they feel the urge to urinate.
Which should also be noted by parents is, incontinence can be cured himself. A bed-wetting child requires patience, passion, and confidence of parents that the problem is only temporary. Usually between 7-12 years of age often cure, and only few children who continue to experience it through adolescence.
One thing interesting, breastfeeding (breast milk) can prevent ongoing incontinence in children. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies are not breastfed are more likely to bed-wetting than breast-fed babies.In addition to preventing incontinence, breast milk is also known to work to reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections and other infections that occur in infants.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
6 Traveling Tips While You Pregnant
The best time for air travel when you're pregnant tends to be during the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower and most nausea has subsided. Many women do not feel as tired as they did in their first trimester, and they have more stamina during this period of their pregnancy.
Know the Guidelines
Most airlines will not permit pregnant women to travel beyond their 36th week. If you are showing, carry a note from your medical professional stating how far along you are. Cruise ships have individual requirements for how late into a pregnancy a passenger can sail, so check with your cruise line before you make plans. A road trip is safe most any time, but the further along you get, the more uncomfortable a long car ride will be. Plus, if you travel out of state, your insurance company may not cover your baby's birth if you deliver in an out-of-network hospital. Check your insurance's out-of-network policy if you are close to your due date.
Get Comfortable
Select a seat that's on an aisle and close to the front of the plane. Negotiating the narrow aisle to the back of the plane can be challenging, and a seat near the front will make boarding and disembarking easier. It will also allow you easier access to the restroom. Avoid standing in line for prolonged periods of time by checking in online before you even leave the house. When you take a road trip, make frequent stops to use the restroom. During long trips, prop a small pillow behind your back and wear loose clothing.
Stay Healthy and Hydrated
Bring plenty of healthy snack options. Most of the meals served on flights have an incredibly high salt content. If you are already prone to bloating, this can make you even more uncomfortable. Hydrate yourself frequently, and do your best to get up and move around every so often.
Relax and Enjoy the Ride
Pregnancy is an incredible time, and unless your doctor advises against traveling, there should be no reason for you not to venture out and enjoy yourself.
Extra Precautions
Carrying multiples? Most doctors don’t advise air travel beyond 32 weeks for twins, 20 weeks for triplets. If you’re traveling internationally, even for a single-fetus pregnancy, airline restrictions are tighter than for domestic flights; it’s ill-advised to head overseas after your 32nd week. With any lengthy trip, be sure to take short walks every hour or so. At the very least, do your best to flex your calf muscles up and down often to reduce the risk of deep-vein blood clots, known as DVT.
Friday, March 5, 2010
How To Treat Baby's Diarrhea
There are also special fluids designed to replace water and salts lost during your baby's diarrhea. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, these fluids are very useful in home management of mild to fairly severe illnesses.
However, you should not prepare these fluids by yourself because you may make bad liquids for you baby, which of course can worsen her condition. You can easily get the fluids in nearby pharmacies.
When should you take your baby to a doctor?
You should take her see a doctor if these conditions below occur:
- You find blood in your baby's feces. This can be a sign of bacterial infection.
- There are changes in your baby's behavior, like she cries most of the time and you can't calm her down or she refuses to eat and drink.
- Your baby has a high fever, which is above 39°C.
Nonetheless, no need to be worried if:
- your baby acts normally as usual.
- your baby has no fever.
- your baby still wants to eat.
Generally, diarrhea recovers by itself without medicine. You just need to be patient and not to worry too much. Always observe your baby's condition and examine whether her feces get solid or not and whether there's blood in them.
The key is to keep give her as much fluid as you can. If she refuses, try to give the drink in small amount but do it frequently. By Adwina Jackson
5 Tips On Looking After Newborn Babies
1. Make sure that you feed your baby right. Deciding on whether you should breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby greatly depends on your personal decision and what your physician recommends. However, it has been shown that breastfeeding is still the best way to nourish newborn babies. Lots of benefits can be obtained through breastfeeding. Some medical studies have determined that breastfed infants have less hypersensitivity later in life compared with those who were raised with bottle feeding. This is mainly because the mother’s milk is known to contain natural enzymes and antibodies that can help fortify the baby’s immunity against infirmities. Aside from this, some doctors also believed that breast milk is responsible for superior intellect as he/she grows and becomes fully developed.
2. Practical sleep aid tips for infants. Sleep is crucial for babies because it has a direct effect on the child’s mental and physical growth. Newborn babies sleep for up to 17 and 18 hours a day. Parents should understand that babies sleep cycle could be pretty erratic. You may notice for a few weeks, your baby’s sleep may only last from approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours, and this can vary throughout a 24 period. But by the sixth week, you should see some signs of improvement as your baby’s sleep pattern becomes more structured. Newborns show signs of sleepiness by crying or rubbing their eyes. Newborns should be put down to sleep as soon as they feel sleepy. If you are not getting much sleep at night it may be a good idea to sleep when your baby does during the day if possible.
3. The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.
4. Maintaining your baby’s optimal skin care. Newborn babies have smooth and delicate skin. For this reason, it is necessary that you use products that are especially made for babies. But before buying any baby product, it is best to consult your pediatrician. Most babies develop rashes from time to time and this is perfectly normal. However, if your baby seems irritated by a rash or has a fever, you should immediately seek advice from your baby’s doctor.
5. When to give the baby medicine. Like anyone else, newborn babies sometimes have special needs that require attention. When giving your baby medicine, it is important that you follow the advice of your baby’s physician. You need to know how to give the right dose prescribed by the doctor. It can sometimes be advised to start the baby with a small dose to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication.
The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not meant in any way to replace advice given by healthcare professionals. By Alison Palmer
Your Baby's Crying - What To Do
The best place to start is the layer. If it is wet or dirty, then the baby will be uncomfortable and start crying. If the layers to change, then change it. In most cases, that will solve the problem. Some babies do not have changed their diapers, and often even cry. Mainly it is because they do not like the feeling of being discovered. Thus, the diaper change as quickly and smoothly as possible, to minimize distress. Then cover the baby with a blanket or clothing, so that the baby feels comfortable again.
Babies also be hot. However, it is also possible to overdress a baby, so reasonable about this. When verifying the child, the search for very red skin, to see if the baby is sweating. Each of these signs suggest that the baby is almost certainly too hot. A good rule to dress your baby is one layer more than you wear. If the baby is too hot or cold, then adjust clothing and blankets as a function of temperature.
Then, your child is hungry? Is it that since the last food? What the baby may feed a little less than normal at the last feeding, and thus perhaps hunger fast this time? Try nursing or offering a bottle. Babies need to eat often because they are increasingly so quickly. Often, the action of sucking helps to soothe the baby, even if they are not very hungry. Babies are very good to know when they are tired, and stops. So do not worry too much boost. The baby stopped crying once he was not hungry any more.
After feeding, many babies develop gas. The digestive system of the baby is just developing, and eating is a whole new experience. Sometimes crying means the baby has gas rumbling around in the belly and needs to be burped. Place a cloth over your shoulder and keep the baby against your shoulder so that his stomach is against the front of your shoulder. Make sure the head is forward, or support the head if you can. Rub his back firmly in a circular motion. This puts pressure on the digestive system front and rear, and often rot. Some tapping May also help, but be very careful if you decide to do this - babies are very delicate.
May you find that just taking a walk with the baby on the shoulder of your help. Babies seem to like movement, probably because they are used to being bounced around the uterus. But, who is standing next to a parent is very soothing to a baby. Babies enjoy being held and cuddled - despite some suggestions to the contrary, you can not hold your baby too.
Some babies also, it is very soothing to be swaddled in a small blanket. Langes in total around the baby quite well. The arms are close to the child. In some ways, this feels a bit like the womb to the baby because they were included there too. Sometimes the sudden experience of being able to move around can distress a child. Your healthcare professional should be able to teach children effectively Swaddle. It is important to ensure, however, that the head and neck remain uncovered.
Once you have gone through the list above - check the layers, check the temperature of the baby, try a food or a rot, Swaddle and baby - and the baby still cries, trying to keep the baby nearby and a rhythmic "Shhhh" sound near the baby's ear. If it sounds a bit like a wave on the beach, great. This is the kind of sounds heard the baby in the womb, and it is often very reassuring and soothing. Some babies are very sensitive to noise, and the average home produces a lot of noise! You can even try listening to the radio station, so you can hear is "white noise".
Over time, you find that you begin to recognize the difference between your baby cries, and probably not need to go right through the checklist every time baby cries. However, if at any time you think your baby is sick or in pain in May, or if he is still crying even after checking all these things, it is always best to consult your health care professional just to make sure everything goes well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Four Steps to Handle Kids Bad Behavior by Laura Kaine
The cause why this article is not about "dealing with bad kids" is merely because bad kids do not exist! The issue is their behavior, the one dads and moms develop without being aware of it, the one they must improve. I have to underline that because dads and moms nearly always believe they just have to say "no" to make kids bad behavior stop. Kids have to understand things before doing a change in how they react. The first thing they have got to understand is that their parents' love for them is unconditional and that it's their bad behavior this is punished.Kids bad behavior has for main cause their dads and moms behavior. It's not simple to accept, I understand that, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it. You are not born moms and dads and you are doing your best with what you know. You must acquire way more communication tools. If you feel ready to do something about your kid's bad behavior, making use of the following 4 steps will be effective:
1.Be the grownup you would like your little one to become. Watch your words and reactions, keep your promises. Don't ignore the tiny things you tell your child. He probably takes really seriously what you say. You're an example, the image of the adult world for your kid, you are a reference. Always bear that in mind. Without rules, your kid can not figure out what's wrong and what's right. When dealing with kids bad behavior, we can't blame the young children. It would be unfair and pretty unnecessary.
2.When you say "no", don't expect a change in your child's behaviour but rather clarify what you say no to. You can and must have a firm tone of voice to be listened to but keep your voice down.
3.Go over that issue with your little one before the bad behavior occurs. It is always better to prevent such behavior to happen than having to make it stop. When you go out somewhere with your child, just before leaving the house, tell him how you expect him to behave. To help your kid rethink his behaviour and change it, talk about the consequences of each behavior when your kid is quiet and willing to listen to you.
4.Justify your role and the reason why you are the one who settles the principles. Mainly because you're the parent, you know what's good for your kid and you love him. Discuss the rules with him to help him understand and accept them. Kids bad behavior is quite often the result of a misunderstanding of the boundaries and punishments by the little ones. They just find it unfair. You have to make really clear to your little one the consequences of his behaviour.
If you're consistent and patient and try not to loose your temper, applying those advices will be effective. If your kid's bad behavior is strongly anchored and that the situation really is out of your control, implementing a parenting method could be your best option. It'll give you a parenting guideline, easy-to-apply method and support. Kids bad behavior can be overcame with the right communication tools. It's not a fatality.
5 Key Advices for a Desperate Mother
I do know that we can lose our peace of mind when we're a mom. At some point, we just feel and know that things aren't anymore under our control. Maybe you understand what went wrong, perhaps you don't even recall the way that happened, how this routine made of tantrums and screams settled into your life. I think that the instant we are tempted to google "desperate mother", is when we feel like we have tried all kinds of things and that we're powerless and tired and maybe worried we might not love our child enough. It's a shocking thought, but it can happen too, it is a reality.
What I want you to do, dear desperate mother, is to look at things in perspective, take some time to think and understand that your child is a child, that he will not adapt himself to you if you do not change your own behavior, reactions, words. What you need is good communication skills, know which errors you make and what you can do to improve things. Being a desperate mother isn't a fatality because there's always a solution.
Here are my 5 crucial advices:
1 - Don't ever give in. Your child thinks in a simple way. When he gets what he wants by yelling or insisting, he'll keep acting the same way. When he realizes you don't give in, never change your mind when you make up your mind, he will have to accept it because then he will know that tantrums are useless.
2 - Speak with your child. Take that time. Value what he does, what he tells you, don't make him have to grab your attention by being annoying. Make clear to him what you do, what you feel, where you are taking him, how you expect him to behave. Talk to him about his bad behaviour during quiet moments, don't wait until the tantrum occurs to clarify that it's a bad attitude. Express compassion, even when you don't give in, tell him you understand his frustration or anger.
3 - Don't spank, stop yelling. Stay calm and always keep your voice down. Yes, as a desperate mother, it seems impossible and you are half-right, it can be pretty complicated but it's a essential advice I'm giving you here! The way your child reacts means that it's a way of expression he has chosen probably because you did not give or express any alternative. When you are mad at someone and begin quarrelling and that person remains very calm and talks in a quiet voice, what do you do? You calm down. When your kid screams, make sure he understands he has other alternatives, that he can express his emotions with words just like you. Same thing when he hits you or bites.
4 - Don't ever label your kid as a liar, a cheater, a bad child... You don't accept his behavior but you love him and you believe he can act differently. Make this clear or he may believe in that label and act on it for the rest of his life, just like the label "desperate mother" isn't going to help you understand and modify the situation.
5 - Be coherent and persistent. Reward a good behavior, clarify what is wrong and right. Make your child choose a good behaviour by showing him what it can bring to him, the trust you can put in him, the things you can share.
Were you expecting something more simple? Come on, parenting is not simple but with the proper communication tools, you can modify the situation, have your peace of mind back and your personnal life, have youngsters you can count on and trust. It is at your reach. You can go from a desperate mother to a glad one. A great number of dads and moms experienced that. I did. Good luck ! By Laura Kaine