Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Four Steps to Handle Kids Bad Behavior by Laura Kaine

The cause why this article is not about "dealing with bad kids" is merely because bad kids do not exist! The issue is their behavior, the one dads and moms develop without being aware of it, the one they must improve. I have to underline that because dads and moms nearly always believe they just have to say "no" to make kids bad behavior stop. Kids have to understand things before doing a change in how they react. The first thing they have got to understand is that their parents' love for them is unconditional and that it's their bad behavior this is punished.Kids bad behavior has for main cause their dads and moms behavior. It's not simple to accept, I understand that, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it. You are not born moms and dads and you are doing your best with what you know. You must acquire way more communication tools. If you feel ready to do something about your kid's bad behavior, making use of the following 4 steps will be effective:

1.Be the grownup you would like your little one to become. Watch your words and reactions, keep your promises. Don't ignore the tiny things you tell your child. He probably takes really seriously what you say. You're an example, the image of the adult world for your kid, you are a reference. Always bear that in mind. Without rules, your kid can not figure out what's wrong and what's right. When dealing with kids bad behavior, we can't blame the young children. It would be unfair and pretty unnecessary.
2.When you say "no", don't expect a change in your child's behaviour but rather clarify what you say no to. You can and must have a firm tone of voice to be listened to but keep your voice down.
3.Go over that issue with your little one before the bad behavior occurs. It is always better to prevent such behavior to happen than having to make it stop. When you go out somewhere with your child, just before leaving the house, tell him how you expect him to behave. To help your kid rethink his behaviour and change it, talk about the consequences of each behavior when your kid is quiet and willing to listen to you.
4.Justify your role and the reason why you are the one who settles the principles. Mainly because you're the parent, you know what's good for your kid and you love him. Discuss the rules with him to help him understand and accept them. Kids bad behavior is quite often the result of a misunderstanding of the boundaries and punishments by the little ones. They just find it unfair. You have to make really clear to your little one the consequences of his behaviour.

If you're consistent and patient and try not to loose your temper, applying those advices will be effective. If your kid's bad behavior is strongly anchored and that the situation really is out of your control, implementing a parenting method could be your best option. It'll give you a parenting guideline, easy-to-apply method and support. Kids bad behavior can be overcame with the right communication tools. It's not a fatality.

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