Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What To Do if Pregnancy is yet to come

MANY couples willing to spend a lot of money in order to have a children. Modern or natural therapies to be an option that can be tailored to the needs, as well as pocket depth.

Sad to hear a mother can kill a child born from her womb. Meanwhile, many couples waited expectantly for baby's presence in the middle of the family.

Apart from that, you have maximize various efforts with your partner, but no positive signs from her womb. The Sun reveals what should you do and shouldn't to attempt having a sweet fruit.

What Should Be Done

Lose weight

Obesity reduces the possibility of pregnancy, both men and women. So, you have to run a weight-loss program. Moreover, with more slender body, you and your partner can better enjoy lovemaking session.

Stop smoking

Smoking habit in women lower fertility rates. Plus, if you are pregnant, these habits increase the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight babies, or babies born prematurely.

However, this situation is less clear in men. Sperm and tobacco will not mix, and not sure whether it affects fertility. You'll want to fetus in the womb to get clean air he breathes, so stop smoking.

Stay away from liquor

Drinking six times or more of alcohol a week reduces the likelihood of women to obtain positive results with pregnancy tests. Booze does not seem to affect male fertility, except if they are too drunk before having sex.


Ideally, having sex two to three times a week. Less than that, then you reduce the possibility of pregnancy. Furthermore, older age makes the sperm less active you are moving.

What Shouldn't be done

Restless waiting for pregnancy

There is no "acid test" to prove the fertility of a man and a woman. If you do not feel the signs of pregnancy after the age of marriage of one or two years, obstetricians will perform several tests to analyze whether there are health problems from you and your partner.

Frequent contact with hot engine

This problem occurs in men in which the temperature is too high in the scrotum, for example by driving a car. You are often located close to the car engine that is too hot and it can make a slow-moving sperm.

Wearing tight underwear, hot showers, or type a laptop on his lap also affect sperm quality. However, there is no evidence it affects fertility.

Complementary fertility therapies

Natural fertility treatment is better than use instant methods which are expensive, also throwing a lot of time. Use a natural way, for example, multiply the consumption of food sources containing zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Food sources are proved to improve the quality of sperm.

Using Ovulation Kit

Ovulation kits help you identify your fertility, but there is no evidence that using this tool can improve your chances of conceiving. The experts recommend regular sex throughout the cycle of fertile women as a way to maximize the chance of conception. Ovulation kits are not the natural way that only makes you both do not enjoy intercourse.


Approximately 80 percent of couples conceive successfully in the first year of marriage. For those who do not, as many as 50 percent pregnant in the second year of marriage. So, keep your spirit and efforts remain high for having a baby

Monday, April 26, 2010

Disturbances during pregnancy

PREGNANCY is the most fun and challenging period in women lifes. After an interruption loss, other problems arise. After going through morning sickness, now is the time to enjoy your pregnancy period. Really?

But for pregnant women don't too worried. If interference does not lead to more severe abnormalities, enjoy it day after day of your pregnancy. With the power of love waiting for the baby's presence, you must be able to pass.

Various disorders during pregnancy, including the following:

Vaginal infections

During pregnancy, the vagina is more sensitive and susceptible to infection. Therefore, cleanliness of this section need to get more attention, such as cleaning water, underwear, and bathing equipment used.


As a result of increased hormone progesterone, digestive system working in the intestines slow down so that food and water is poorly absorbed. That is why many who suffer from constipation.

In addition, constipation can also be caused by the growth of the growing fetus, so pressing the intestine and rectum. If this is allowed, could cause bleeding in the anus.

In this condition, eat food or vitamins that contain iron, actually make things worse. To avoid this, you should drink lots and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods that can cause constipation, such as bananas or cheese, and try to exercise regularly.

Frequent urination

In addition due to weight gain, severe fetal growth also lead to pregnant women must urinate frequently. Therefore, the growing fetus will push the bladder.


Pregnancy can make pregnant women happy but it can also suppress their feelings. Anxiety feeling about the condition of the fetus and the various changes in the body often makes pregnant women stressful. These feelings will be stronger due to pregnancy hormones also because influence from the environment which is not conducive for pregnant women.

Although not disturb pregnant women or fetal health, this situation can not be left just like that. Because of that, try to relax, and find the source of stress to be overcome soon. Try to seek support from the surrounding environment, such as husbands, friends, and family.


Older gestational age, the more weakened connective tissue and hip joints. Enlargement of the uterus has changed the emphasis of the body so you must stand perfectly with the shoulders pulled back. As a result, waist pain. Especially when you have a couple of times pregnant. To reduce back pain, wear low-heeled shoes and improve your posture, especially the attitude of standing and sitting.


Swelling (edema), especially in the legs,usually happened to pregnant women. This is due to increased reserves in the body fluids at the end of pregnancy.

To reduce it, raise your legs with a slightly higher angle when sleeping. Although this is natural disturbance, it could not hurt to consult a doctor. You should take immediate measures if found swelling every morning because this is one of the symptoms of preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning).

Increasing heat in the stomach

Fetal growth will put pressure on the abdomen so that only a few places for food intake. In addition, due to increased hormones, digestive system work more slowly until your stomach feels hot.

To fix this, consume foods gradually and in small portions. Reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of gas (like cabbage), fat, and spicy. Then, stand for 15 minutes after your meal and the time to sit back, straighten leg angles slightly higher than the stomach.

Sleeping Trouble

When your weight increasing, you start uncomfortable to lying down. Stomach burning and thoughts about the coming of the new members also make it difficult to sleep.

To overcome this, try a warm bath before bed, drinking tea or warm milk, and calm the mind with the sound track of your favorite songs.

Notice also the comfort of the bed. Maybe now it's time to replace your mattress or foam mattress with a more healthy and comfortable. Then, start breathing and relaxation exercises. Regular exercise will also make it easier to sleep.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Overcome Bed-Wetting Habbit

OVERCOMING bed-wetting habits in children is not easy. Cooperation is needed between parents, children, and doctors. In addition, the necessary wisdom, patience, and understanding parents.

So many complaints from parents who worry about their child's bedwetting habits. Moreover, children still bed-wetting after passing the age of 6-7 years. Certainly would be a big question for parent.

What is bed-wetting? And why it happened and how to train them to stop bedwetting?

Bedwetting in a medical term is enuresis, the urine out unconsciously in his sleep at the age where child should have been able to control the desire to urinate. Sometimes the definition of incontinence is also used to describe children who failed to control expenses in the urine when they are awake.

In fact, the teenagers and parents incontinence are also common. But for children, bedwetting is often a very embarrassing thing. As for parents, this can be a frustrating experience.

More than 50 million children worldwide aged 5-15 years were still bedwetting. One in four children still bedwetting when they were 3.5 years of age. Meanwhile, at the age of five years, one in five children still bedwetting and at the age of six years of falling into one of 10 children. Usually enuresis will stop when the child reaches the age of puberty. The boy get more bedwetting than girls.

"This is a hidden problem of childhood because people tend to not talk about it outside the house, so most kids think they are the only one with problems," said pediatrician from Washington DC, United States and author of "Waking Up Dry" Dr. Howard Bennett.

In fact, state of stress can also trigger secondary bedwetting. It was formerly regarded as bedwetting habits psychological problems. However, now known that biological factors play a role bigger. Can be ascertained also, it is declining in the family.

More than 75 percent of children who have parents with bedwetting problems, also will have the same problem.

"The story about these genetic problems to the child will make her better," advises Bennett.

Bed-wetting can also be a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes or urinary tract infection, especially when there is a child who had never wet the bed. Bed-wetting is not a child's mistakes. Unfortunately, some parents still think that the bed-wetting comes from a lack of discipline, and can be cured by punishment.

What to do if the child bed-wetting, do not show resentment, anger, or even panic.

Discuss with the kids. There are many cases where children stop bed-wetting after talk of caution. Give support to children, this is the most important actions.

Never embarrass a child or other children to compare with, even if the child had not bed-wetting give him gifts of praise about his success in front of many people, so he's more motivated.

Ask your child to change the bed linens and clothes at night, when the child is already able to do it. Then, install an alarm clock that will ring 2-3 hours after the child was asleep, so he can wake up to go to the bathroom.If necessary, buy an anti bed-wetting alarm suitable for children aged five years and over.

This alarm has a moisture sensor which worn directly on the underwear. In the first drops, a buzzer buzzing, wake the child. Gradually the child learns to wake up when they feel the urge to urinate.

Which should also be noted by parents is, incontinence can be cured himself. A bed-wetting child requires patience, passion, and confidence of parents that the problem is only temporary. Usually between 7-12 years of age often cure, and only few children who continue to experience it through adolescence.

One thing interesting, breastfeeding (breast milk) can prevent ongoing incontinence in children. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies are not breastfed are more likely to bed-wetting than breast-fed babies.In addition to preventing incontinence, breast milk is also known to work to reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections and other infections that occur in infants.

Friday, April 23, 2010

6 Ways to Memorialize Your Pregnancy

Nine months of pregnancy seems an eternity when you get that little pink positive on the test stick. In this day and age, we no longer have to wait until we start having symptoms of pregnancy, which can start as late as 8 or 10 weeks for some. Instead, we have pregnancy tests that will determine a positive just days after conception. This can make the pregnancy journey seem even longer!

While you are growing, suffering morning sickness and anxiously awaiting the new addition to the family, here are a few ways to memorialize your pregnancy; both for yourself and to pass along to the child in the future.

Write It

If you don't already, now is a great time to take up journaling. A hardback journal to write would give you the option of writing any time, while eating breakfast, in bed, or in a waiting room. Picking out the book could be a special in itself, as you will be picking something that touches you. If your penmenship is not something you particularly want to share, journaling online offers a wide variety of options. Generally called "blogging", a web log has been a popular method of writing thoughts, opinions and sharing knowledge with others. There are many blog communities, each offering different perks. Some provide private post options, so your posts are viewable to the general public, only to those you allow. Some allow categories, giving you the option of writing about things other than just your pregnancy. Others still, are aimed just at moms or pregnant moms. Take a look around and find one that has a good feel for you.

Pregnant Belly, Say Cheese

Take monthy pregnant belly pictures. Start at the beginning, or as soon as you are able. There may not be much of a baby belly at 8 weeks along, but when you have a whole pregnancy worth of belly shots, you'll have fun looking at where you started and where you ended!

Some tips for taking monthy belly pictures: Be consistent. Stand the same way, by the same wall or door (or similar). Wear similar clothing (like a pair of sweatpants that you can wear almost throughout). Show bare belly, or wear a shirt - or do one of each every time. The more consistent you are, the more obvious the pregnancy changes when looking back.

Studio Pictures

You've got the digital camera taking your own pregnant belly pictures, but a professional photogragher will make some beautiful pictures for your baby belly book. Consider including siblings, if any, your partner, and take pregnancy pictures that aren't so "traditional". Strip down and wrap up in white robe, or guaze - with a dark background, this is beautiful. Siblings touching or kissing baby belly makes for a touching moment. And your partners hands on your belly, speak love. Of course, studio pictures are best towards the end of pregnancy, but don't wait too long either!

Some studios specialize in pregnancy and newborn pictures - check your phone book or ask around.

Belly Cast It

Belly Cast, or Belly Mask, has become a popular method of preserving pregnant bellies. Belly Cast kits are inexpensive and easy to find, particularly online. They are easy to do, but don't try to do a belly cast yourself! You will definitely need another set of hand and sometimes an extra set is helpful. No baby belly inhibitions? Make a party of it! Invite your girlfriends over for some messy fun. In the end, you have a plaster cast of your belly to decorate, hang on the wall or sit on a shelf.

Decorated Belly

Women are becoming more willing to bare their pregnant bellies. Decorating your baby belly is a fun way to show it off. Wear it around the house, or out in public. Make a party of it, or do it yourself. But don't forget to take pictures!

Semi-permanant belly decoration - Henna is a type of skin dye that will essentially "stain" the skin, essentially, a non-permanant tattoo. Women have been using henna for years and years. Henna kits are widely available. A simple design or something elaborate - it's all up to you! Do be careful in the sun with a henna'd baby belly. Your skin may tan and when the henna wears off in a week or more, you may end up with a reversed belly tattoo.

Paint it and wash it - Skin safe paints are a great just for fun project to do with siblings. Get into some comfy clothes, get a glass of water, juice or your pregnancy tea and sit back. Let the kids paint. Don't forget to Take Pictures!

Belly Pillow

Whew! The pregnancy is over, or close to it. Grab your favorite maternity top, your sewing machine and some good stuffing. Sew that shirt into a pillow; square, round, or just sew up all the openings and leave it full size! This is a great momento to pass along to the baby. Do it for each pregnancy and each child will have their very own "moms favorite maternity shirt pillow".

Regardless of how much you do to memorialize your pregnancy, enjoy as much of it as you are able to. Those nine months, though they seem long while you are counting the days, when looking back, it's just a snippet in time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Infant Brain Stimulation

Baby's brain is not a miniature adult brains. He still will be a large and growing from the original immature brain to mature. During the brain develops rapidly in the first years of a child's life, this is the most appropriate time to stimulating.

How effective way to stimulate the baby? Here is tip for you:

Breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. Give breast milk until at least age 6 months. Do not forget to do immunizations.

The simplest stimulation but most useful for brain stimulation is love and warmth. This can be done by hugging and touching. Sing or talk to your baby while bathing him, put clothes, feeding, playing, and when driving.

Understand the psychological condition. Recognize when he is sad and happy. When he was sad and angry try to please him. Babies usually do not like to be disappointed.

Recommend colored objects in various shapes, sizes, types and textures of things different. Let him feel and play with the object. Also show him family photos and books for children.

Even though your child is not understood, but get used to reading stories to him. Select a picture-book colors. In addition to listening, little can also see the pictures.