Monday, April 26, 2010

Disturbances during pregnancy

PREGNANCY is the most fun and challenging period in women lifes. After an interruption loss, other problems arise. After going through morning sickness, now is the time to enjoy your pregnancy period. Really?

But for pregnant women don't too worried. If interference does not lead to more severe abnormalities, enjoy it day after day of your pregnancy. With the power of love waiting for the baby's presence, you must be able to pass.

Various disorders during pregnancy, including the following:

Vaginal infections

During pregnancy, the vagina is more sensitive and susceptible to infection. Therefore, cleanliness of this section need to get more attention, such as cleaning water, underwear, and bathing equipment used.


As a result of increased hormone progesterone, digestive system working in the intestines slow down so that food and water is poorly absorbed. That is why many who suffer from constipation.

In addition, constipation can also be caused by the growth of the growing fetus, so pressing the intestine and rectum. If this is allowed, could cause bleeding in the anus.

In this condition, eat food or vitamins that contain iron, actually make things worse. To avoid this, you should drink lots and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods that can cause constipation, such as bananas or cheese, and try to exercise regularly.

Frequent urination

In addition due to weight gain, severe fetal growth also lead to pregnant women must urinate frequently. Therefore, the growing fetus will push the bladder.


Pregnancy can make pregnant women happy but it can also suppress their feelings. Anxiety feeling about the condition of the fetus and the various changes in the body often makes pregnant women stressful. These feelings will be stronger due to pregnancy hormones also because influence from the environment which is not conducive for pregnant women.

Although not disturb pregnant women or fetal health, this situation can not be left just like that. Because of that, try to relax, and find the source of stress to be overcome soon. Try to seek support from the surrounding environment, such as husbands, friends, and family.


Older gestational age, the more weakened connective tissue and hip joints. Enlargement of the uterus has changed the emphasis of the body so you must stand perfectly with the shoulders pulled back. As a result, waist pain. Especially when you have a couple of times pregnant. To reduce back pain, wear low-heeled shoes and improve your posture, especially the attitude of standing and sitting.


Swelling (edema), especially in the legs,usually happened to pregnant women. This is due to increased reserves in the body fluids at the end of pregnancy.

To reduce it, raise your legs with a slightly higher angle when sleeping. Although this is natural disturbance, it could not hurt to consult a doctor. You should take immediate measures if found swelling every morning because this is one of the symptoms of preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning).

Increasing heat in the stomach

Fetal growth will put pressure on the abdomen so that only a few places for food intake. In addition, due to increased hormones, digestive system work more slowly until your stomach feels hot.

To fix this, consume foods gradually and in small portions. Reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of gas (like cabbage), fat, and spicy. Then, stand for 15 minutes after your meal and the time to sit back, straighten leg angles slightly higher than the stomach.

Sleeping Trouble

When your weight increasing, you start uncomfortable to lying down. Stomach burning and thoughts about the coming of the new members also make it difficult to sleep.

To overcome this, try a warm bath before bed, drinking tea or warm milk, and calm the mind with the sound track of your favorite songs.

Notice also the comfort of the bed. Maybe now it's time to replace your mattress or foam mattress with a more healthy and comfortable. Then, start breathing and relaxation exercises. Regular exercise will also make it easier to sleep.

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