Sunday, August 23, 2009
Giving Educational Toys
Here are some helpful hints and tips to guide you in looking for the best educational toys for your toddler:
Let them puzzle it out – Puzzles are always favorites of children, whether 2 years old or 13. If your child is 2 years old or below, then alphabet puzzles and similar items would be best, as well as numbers, colors, or shapes-related puzzles. Audio and time-related puzzles work best for children between 3 to 5 years old. Older kids will prefer puzzles related to word forming, maps, space, and math.
Arts and Crafts – Develop your child’s creativity by giving them arts and crafts kits and supplies. Things like clay, drawing and coloring books, colored pens and pencils, painting sets, and even a basic children’s digital camera will work wonders. These gifts will allow them to use and develop their knowledge, imagination, and coordination.
Books – Books are never out of style, and the selection of children’s books that are available today keep getting better and better. They are just filled to the brim with valuable information and are arranged in a way that will be sure to provide your kids with hours and hours of reading pleasure and fun, while getting the knowledge that will later on prove to be invaluable. There are children’s books about science, math, reading, grammar, colors, shapes, etc. Older kids will also love inspirational biographies of famous historical figures.
CDs and DVDs – Another favorite gift item for children that’s sure to be a hit is a CD or DVD filled with lots of fun and knowledge. Easy-to-follow and catchy songs, audio storybooks, rhymes, and much more can be found in these multimedia marvels for children. They can even start learning a second language, or know all sorts of fun and interesting trivia.
Block Them – Countless blocks of all sizes, shapes, and colors are easily found in your local shopping mall, toy store, or in specialty shops on the World Wide Web. Blocks are actually the first educational toys, and probably also the first to be played with by your children even when he or she is still a baby. They are invaluable for teaching kids all about the alphabet, colors, shapes, and numbers. Of course, blocks are also important tools for developing a child’s imagination, allowing him or her to freely build and stack according to his own whims and designs.
Board Games – There are plenty of great board games for children of all ages to play and learn with. Aside from providing them hours of fun and entertainment while learning, board games are also a great way for parents and children to spend quality time together. Parents can teach their kids all about fair play, following the rules, how to create strategies for winning, etc.
Babies And Napping
Why Should Babies Nap?
Naps are not just important for their restorative value, although that is their most obvious benefit. Children’s sleep expert Elizabeth Pantley describes some of the other advantages to napping:
• Adequate sleep is important in brain development. Some research has shown that daytime napping may help move new information into a more permanent place in a child’s memory.
• Napping can affect nighttime sleep. A child who needs a nap but does not get one can become overtired and have trouble falling asleep at night.
• Studies have shown that children who nap have longer attention spans and are less fussy than those who do not nap.
• A child’s biology dictates that a nap is necessary after midday, when energy levels tend to drop. (Adults feel the same way, but sleep is not usually an option for them.)
• Sleep releases stress-fighting hormones.
• Napping can help a child catch up on sleep if their previous night’s sleep was disrupted.
When Should Babies Nap?
The answer to this question varies according to the age of the baby. Newborns, easily overwhelmed by their new surroundings, tend to nap frequently. They often have catnaps throughout the day, with a couple of longer naps in the morning and afternoon. Between three and six months, babies settle into a routine of morning and afternoon naps. This age presents the ideal opportunity for you to establish a nap routine that works with your baby’s biological signals for rest.
Young babies between the ages of three and six months generally have one morning nap of about an hour, and one afternoon nap of slightly longer duration, usually closer to two hours in length. Some babies are more comfortable with three shorter naps of about 45 minutes each. The number of naps is not as important as the total amount of sleep and the general disposition of your baby: if Baby is cranky, chances are she is not getting enough sleep.
Morning and afternoon naps continue throughout the first year. Between one and two years of age, most children can go without a morning nap, but still need an afternoon nap. The afternoon nap typically continues until about the age of four.
As for the exact time a baby should nap, that is mostly Baby’s decision. Some sleep experts advise that when trying to establish a nap schedule, you plan to put Baby down about two hours after she wakes in the morning and again after a midday meal. Babies who require a third nap usually take it in the early evening.
Most babies indicate they are ready for a nap through a variety of signals, discussed later in this article. If you try to put a baby down when he is not tired, chances are pretty slim that he’ll fall asleep. Heed Baby’s signs and try to work with his natural sleep cycles and you’ll find a good basis for a nap routine.
How Long Should Naps Be?
Sleep is a critical component of babies’ mental and physical development so it is important that they get enough of it. Babies will usually become tired on their own and will sleep when they need to, but some parents like to create a schedule. Do what works best for you – let Baby dictate sleep time or set a schedule. The key is to make sure that your baby gets the sleep she needs.
The amount of naptime required decreases as a baby gets older. At four months, a baby needs about 4 to 6 hours of naptime. At six months, babies tend to nap a little less, needing about 3 to 4 hours. By his first birthday, Baby needs about 2 to 3 hours of naptime and he may get it from one nap or two. Once she is into her toddler years, your little one will need only one nap of about 1 to 2 hours.
Sleep Signs – Knowing When Baby is Ready for a Nap
Learning your baby’s sleep signs is extremely important. If you do not recognize them or choose to ignore them, the “sleep window” will close and you’ll end up with a cranky, overtired baby who cannot fall asleep.
Signs to look for include:
• rubbing eyes
• yawning
• slowing down and quieting down
• fussiness
• thumb sucking or reaching for a pacifier or sleep toy
• wanting to nurse or have a bottle
In an ideal world, when Baby is ready to sleep, you would be able to put her down and let her fall asleep. For some parents, this does actually happen. For the unlucky ones it does not. Depending on the sleep habits of your baby, you may want to establish a nap routine that resembles, but is not exactly the same as, your nighttime routine. You might read a short book, play some soft music, or rock the baby to sleep. If your baby seems ready to drop as soon as his head hits the mattress, skip the routine and just put him down. You might be pleasantly surprised by his ability to drift off by himself.
When Baby Won’t Nap
There are a variety of reasons why a baby won’t nap. If a baby is rested and getting up earlier than you prefer, there is little you can do. If you feel that your baby is not getting the rest she needs, you may need to change your routine.
Often, resistance to naps comes when babies are overtired. Make sure to heed your baby’s sleep signs, as discussed above, and get her to bed when she is starting to act tired.
If your baby wakes early and is in need of more rest, try getting him to go back to sleep. Depending on your philosophy about babies and sleep, you can rock him or just gently pat him on the back and let him fall back to sleep on his own.
Make sure Baby’s sleep environment is conducive to sleep. A dark and slightly cool room is best.
Older babies may be waking early simply because they do not need as many naps as you are giving them. Try dropping a nap and see if that helps.
Is It Safe to Continue Breastfeeding While Nipples are Sore?
Nipples that have the feeling of swelling, painful, hard, and feverish are what lactating mothers complain most of the time when breastfeeding. Sore nipples should not stop you from giving the best nutrition to your baby, and that is your breast milk. What you should do is to look for ways that will help you solve your problems regarding sore nipples and continue the breastfeeding.
It is always safe to continue breastfeeding even while the nipples are sore. Just make sure that the treatments you are using for your sore nipples are safe and not harmful for you and your baby.
There are different ways on how you can treat your sore nipples while you safely continue breastfeeding the baby. Herbal medicines, for one instance, are effective yet safe. These herbs are proven to not only treat sore nipples, but also help in producing smooth and continuous flow of breast milk. Soaking the nipples on warm water with basil leaves or teabags will stimulate fast healing, but make sure to wash the breast, especially the nipples before breastfeeding.
Another treatment for sore nipples is the use of creams. Lanolin (100 cotton and always choose the ones that are not too tight because tight bras will make your milk duct clogged.
If your nipples are sore and painful due to breastfeeding, never opt to stop or discontinue breastfeeding for a while because it will only worsen the problem and cause you even greater pains later on. Just choose the right remedies to relieve the sore and pains of your nipples and then allow your baby to latch on for the baby’s better physical and psychological development.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Choosing The Right Infant Toy For Your Child
But there are times when parents find the right toy for their infant. The toy should be soft so that the infant would not be harmed. Several toy makers are always coming up with new designs to cater to the infinite needs an infant has. But of course there are several factors that need to be considered before purchasing an infant toy.
First thing to consider is its size. The toy should not be small because the infant may swallow it thus making him choke. It should also be not that large so that the infant would not have a hard time in handling it.
Second thing that should be kept in mind is toy material. Is the toy made of plastic or cotton; or other substances that is used in making it? Individuals should see to it that the material used in making the toy would not be harmful to the health of the infant.
Thirdly, the toy’s color should also be thought of. Though children may not know what color they are seeing, it is best that they are exposed already to different colors. This exposure helps their mind develop that sense of color distinction at an early age.
Fourthly, the purpose of the infant toy should also be considered. Buying toys because of its functionality enables the infant to learn and discover new things with these. There are toys made to strengthen the grip of an infant and the like.
Fifth, look at the age group the toy is intended for. You wouldn’t buy a toy that says for ages three and up would you? Of course you want the toy to be right for the age of your child.
Sixth, asking and talking to other parents about the toys for their infants can also be helpful. Since their child is older than yours, perhaps they can share some ideas on what to toy to buy or give to your infant.
Making sure of the health and welfare of a child is always the priority of a parent. So in keeping the things stated, your infant will be ensured of having a safe yet enjoyable toy. The aforementioned tips are only a few of the many things that parents should consider in buying an infant toy. They can always do some more research and keep their options open until they find the most suitable toy for their child.
Toys are educational and at the same time enjoyable, it is up to you on which toys you think have both. Expensive toys does not necessarily mean a high quality toy, there are less expensive ones that have the same purpose. Infant toys should also be kept clean at all times since it is the nature of the infant to suck on things he grasps.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
5 Ways to Get Your Child to Listen to You
1. Listen to your child. No matter how insignificant their little problem is, it is paramount to them. As an adult, it is difficult to put away our own problems and just listen, but it must be done or your child will continue to be one of those problems. When you listen to your child, you validate their importance. Ask your child how their day went, and really listen. Are there other issues going on? Is your child being bullied at school and is afraid or ashamed to talk about it? If he is, you need to make your child feel safe with you, so she can bring it up. If you want your child to listen to you, you need to listen to your child.
2. Watch their facial expressions. Often they will tell you what they want with facial expressions. Why does he pout when his sister walks in the room? Why does she cry when her big sister is playing with someone else. There are great clues there. You shouldn't assume he is pouting because he is agitated with his sister - he may want something from her and doesn't know exactly what it is and is pouting because he feels out of sorts about "it." Put yourself in their shoes. When they talk to you, are you responding with love and caring in your voice? Or are you always short, curt and demeaning. Think about how you would like to be spoken to, and respond in kind. Not only do your children admire you, they mirror you. If you see a quality in them you dislike, think about where they learned it, and change yourself.
3. Let them make decisions. How often do you make decisions for them? You decide what they eat, what they wear, what they're going to do......OK, so it is important they are guided, but once you teach them the difference, give them some healthy options. Take her to the library and let her choose 5 books to read. You'll be surprised to learn just what she's interested in.
4. Make sure they are eating healthy. Do they snack or gummy worms, or apples? Most kids will choose a healthy snack over unhealthy. Don't even buy the junk food, and allow them to go into the frig all they want for that apple, carrot stick, cheese, hard boiled egg, or small handful of peanuts. Keep plenty of bottles of pure water on hand. Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast that has protein and keep the sugar intake low. No sugar ladened cereal for breakfast - give them oatmeal with peaches in it instead. Let them make their own fruit smoothie in the morning. Let them cut up the fruits and vegetables. With your supervision, they will learn to love to eat healthy. And so what if they make a mess? Just calmly tell them, "ok, now let's wipe up the counter so the bugs won't come, and here, let's wash your dishes off."
5. He won't clean his room or do his homework? He's always procrastinating? Don't just bark the command, "go clean your room!" or "do your homework!" When was the last time you offered to help your youngster clean his room? Make a game out of. "C'mon Johnny, let's see how many worms or frogs we find in your closet." Or how about this, "Janie, show me your homework - let's see what you're doing." Often times, the child's homework may be somewhat challenging to you. Admit it! Ask your child to teach you! When student becomes teacher, they they learn too. And your child loves you. When you show even the smallest amount of interest in what they're doing, they will excel.
Time is the best gift you can give your child. And with time comes a better understanding too. You may spend a few more minutes now interacting with your child, but it will pay off in the long run when your child becomes happy, healthy, successful, and independent.
Breastfeeding Tips for You and Your Baby
Breast milk is naturally the most perfect food for your baby. Although it takes time learning how to breastfeed, you will be rewarded if you are persistent. However, it is a fact that some woman simply cannot breastfeed due to medical conditions or the baby not latching on for one reason or another, so don’t be disheartened if you can’t.
When you are breastfeeding, your baby’s mouth should be covering the entire areola; sucking just the nipples will make your nipples sore and your baby will not get sufficient milk. This is one of the most common problems but also the easiest problem to fix that many woman have.
Another reason why woman give up on breastfeeding is pain. Although your nipples might very well scab and crack, this is very normal. Quite often, your nipples will actually bleed. This should cause no alarm because this is fairly common as well. There are many products that are actually made specifically for this reason. Lanolin works remarkably well to repair cracked or sore nipples, which in turn relieves the pain.
In order to ensure your baby grows healthy and strong you will have to take special precautions with what you consume. Medications can pass through your breastmilk as can alcohol and drugs. Always consult your doctor prior to taking any medication and drink alcohol in moderation – none is best. It is better to be safe. Being conscious about your health will have positive effects on your baby as its immune system develops.
When your baby is small, he is totally dependent on you for everything. Breastfeeding is one of those times when you are providing your baby with a necessity as well as sharing a bond that no one else can replace. Enjoy these moments now, as they become far too quickly, memories.
Wooden Toys Are Great Baby Gifts
Wooden toys are perfect presents for a baby shower gift, a birthday or a simple family get-together. One reason is the nonexistent threat of toxicity that is ever present in toys made of plastic and metal. Toxicity is big concern when picking toys for infant and toddlers, as they would tend to chew on their toys for long periods of time, especially teething babies. Another upside in picking wooden toys for children is that you can actually have it modified according to your specification. A wooden doll house or a wooden horse with matching names of its owners is great ideas for a personalized baby gift.
Durability is also a good reason why you should pick wooden toys over metal and plastic ones. Plastic toys are easily open to wear and tear damage and metal toys are vulnerable to bending, twisting, and moisture, which can cause rust. Rust can cause serious health problems. On the other hand, wooden toys are easy to maintain and with a little care and polish, they can last an entire childhood and can be preserved to be handed down to the next generation. What great gift can a parent give than a toy that has been with him or her during their childhood.
Say you have decided on making a wooden toys as part of your baby gift basket, there are certain things you need to look out for before making a purchase and give to a child. For one, make sure that what you pick does not have any removable sections or parts that can be a choking hazard. Toddlers have a penchant for wild and active imaginations, so pick wooden toys that aids them in this department. Toys such as wooden horses and cars, dolls and doll houses, and a few others fire up the imagination of young children. Such type of play also goes well with the cognitive, motor, and emotional development of children.
Always keep in mind that play will always be an essential part of person’s childhood, as most of the important lessons and skills are learned during this phase. It is during this stage they learn to explore the world around them learning to express themselves, and learn to bond with their families and with other children. Wooden toys provide features that really help children make most out of this stage in their lives. Durable, safe, and possessing the aspect of craftsmanship, wooden toys simply ranks as one of the best gift ideas one any person can give to children.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Five Benefits Educational Toys Can Give Your Toddler
One of the best ways to help develop the full potential of a child at this point is with the help of toddler educational toys. Here are the different benefits that children can get from these toys:
1. They help your child have fun. Although they are learning toys, your kids can still have fun with them, which is the best part. Although you want them to learn, you can be sure that these tools will not bore them because they will surely find tons of things to do with their toys.
2. These toys can improve the creativity of your child. The toys will have your kids imagining about different things especially if you have assisted him in playing. Children love to play with their imagination and this helps develop their creativity. This will greatly help them since creativity is very important trait of successful people. Giving your children the support and the instrument they need, will surely help develop their creativity to the fullest.
3. Certain toys will enhance your child's problem solving ability. There are toys that train your child to think and analyze. Among them are puzzle toys. This will help train your child to be patient and use his analytical skills to solve the puzzle. Puzzle toys are not limited to jigsaws. There are bricks, mats, and other toys that require the child to connect the dots.
4. You can use the toys as tools to teach your child. Aside from playing by himself, your child learns best with you around. You can use the toddler educational toys as instruments to communicate with him. You can assist him in his make believe games and teach him relevant ideas in the process. If he imagines that he is in a wonderland, you can help him arrange his play room. His green chair can be the grass or tree because leaves and grasses have green colors. His blue toy map can be the sky and his white bear can be the clouds. This way, you can help enhance his imagination and creativity while teaching him about colors.
5. You will get to know your child better through toys. You will learn his interest by observing the kind of games he wants to play. You will find out his favorite colors by the toys he picks. You will also learn if he needs help in certain fields like analyzing stuff because he cannot finish a puzzle that most kids his age would easily do.
These toys are indeed beneficial for the well being of your kids. However, they can never be substitute for your presence and assistance.
The Benefits Of Bedtime Stories For Children
You only have to think back to some of your own childhood to remember how much you looked forward to hearing a story. Children have very vivid imaginations that take flight when they hear a book being read aloud. To them this story becomes so real that it seems to be taking place in front of their eyes. Parents will often be faced with the plea for “Just one more page, please.” It can be difficult to say “No” to a child’s eager request and it is very satisfying to a parent to realize how much happiness they are creating for their little ones with a simple story.
While you don’t have to wait until the evening hours to read to your child, there are many benefits that accompany the beloved childhood ritual of bedtime stories.
1. Children enjoy listening to stories as they prepare for sleep. This helps them settle down quietly for the night. Listening to the familiar and much loved tones of their parent’s voice is very soothing and comforting.
2. Bedtime stories stimulate the imaginations of children and may even help them become more creative. Children whose parents read to them on a regular basis score higher on most standardized tests at school.
3. When parents or older siblings read to younger children it fosters a love of books and will make kids want to learn how to read.
4. Reading bedtime stories helps young ones develop a large vocabulary.
5. Parents that spend time reading to their children are creating warm memories that will last a lifetime. You can be as campy or as “over the top” as you like when pretending to be different characters in the story. Use funny voices or different facial expressions and really put some emotion into the words and your child will believe you to be the most brilliant actor in the world.
6. One of the most rewarding experiences for a parent is when they can share their own favorite bedtime stories with their own children. Many of the stories your parents read to you were some that your grandparents, or great-grandparents, read to them. You might even consider bedtime storytelling to be a way of continuing a family tradition.
7. Reading and listening to stories engage more areas of the brain than video games or television. If you want to initiate curiosity and thinking skills in your children there is no better way to do it than with books.
Is It Safe to Continue Breastfeeding While Nipples are Sore?
Nipples that have the feeling of swelling, painful, hard, and feverish are what lactating mothers complain most of the time when breastfeeding. Sore nipples should not stop you from giving the best nutrition to your baby, and that is your breast milk. What you should do is to look for ways that will help you solve your problems regarding sore nipples and continue the breastfeeding.
It is always safe to continue breastfeeding even while the nipples are sore. Just make sure that the treatments you are using for your sore nipples are safe and not harmful for you and your baby.
There are different ways on how you can treat your sore nipples while you safely continue breastfeeding the baby. Herbal medicines, for one instance, are effective yet safe. These herbs are proven to not only treat sore nipples, but also help in producing smooth and continuous flow of breast milk. Soaking the nipples on warm water with basil leaves or teabags will stimulate fast healing, but make sure to wash the breast, especially the nipples before breastfeeding.
Another treatment for sore nipples is the use of creams. Lanolin (100 cotton and always choose the ones that are not too tight because tight bras will make your milk duct clogged.
If your nipples are sore and painful due to breastfeeding, never opt to stop or discontinue breastfeeding for a while because it will only worsen the problem and cause you even greater pains later on. Just choose the right remedies to relieve the sore and pains of your nipples and then allow your baby to latch on for the baby’s better physical and psychological development.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Shy Child? Five Ways To Help Them Make Friends
Take Amy, for example. As a nine-year-old child, she excelled at schoolwork, earning nothing but straight A's and accolades from her teachers. However, when it came to interacting with her peers and adults, Amy often retreated behind a book, or became so embarrassed at having to answer questions that she would stutter or turn red.
Shyness is often a problem for children who, for some reason or another, find it difficult to interact socially with those around them. Everyone has had bouts of shyness at one point or another; but when it starts interfering with how your child interacts with his or her surroundings then it's time to make a change.
Want to learn how to help your child cope with shyness? Here are some expert tips that will have your son or daughter overcoming social anxiety in no time!
Don't Enable Or Exaggerate His Or Her Shyness. Parents often forget what it's like to be young and suffering from shyness, so they'll often do one of two things, they'll either talk for their child in order to minimize their suffering, or they'll put their child in stressful social situations to "shock" them out of shyness. Don't make this mistake! Rather, gradually introduce your child to different degrees of social scenarios. Start off with conversation with family then move on until your child is able to hold a conversation with a complete stranger. Don't accept monosyllable answers as conversation, either!
Cut Out Technology. These days, it seems like cutting computers and video games out of a child's life is tantamount to cruelty; however, some research suggests that these electronic toys can actually hinder your child's social development. Limit your child's online or gaming time and then encourage them to play with friends or siblings.
Try A Little Role-Play. Often, shyness is escalated when your child expects certain reactions from social situations; for example, your child may so fear embarrassing himself or herself while answering a question in the classroom that he or she won't raise a hand at all. If this sounds familiar to you, pretend to be a teacher and ask your child various questions. Once your child realizes that he or she is unlikely to embarrass himself in front of the classroom, he or she will be more willing to contribute.
Make Play Dates. It can be hard for your child to find common ground with his or her peers when suffering from shyness, so help your child out a little by arranging play dates with other children who share his or her interests. If your child enjoys reading, sign him or her up with a junior book club; if he or she enjoys playing sports, get your child to sign up for a team. Conversation will flow more readily when your child is surrounded by like-minded children.
Enlist Neighbourhood Aid. Know a few mothers around the block? Enlist their help by arranging play dates with neighbourhood children. Having a few friends around the block will get your child out of the house more and interacting with more children his or her age
As you can see, shyness can be easily overcome with love, support and a bit of discipline. Yet if your child suffers from the kind of shyness that actually prevent him or her from functioning as a normal child, ask your child's school if they offer any counselling services, it may be that your child suffers from social anxiety disorder, which should be treated by a licensed professional.
Improving Self Confidence In Children
Not many parents know improving self confidence in children will actually affect their growing up from toddler to adulthood.
This takes time, education, effort and burning desire for any parent to at least see their children to be able to make something out of them and improve as their life progress.
Improving self confidence in children is not easy and should be start when they are young. This is the best time as they will intimate their parents.
So by cultivating an image of self confidence, you will pass on this image to your child and this will assist them in improving self confidence. But when you are doing this, make sure that it is an image that they should be proud of and not be gloating over it. This will help them increase in their self worthiness.
And when your child reaches his or her teen hood, building and improving self confidence in children is to really set them free in a controlled environment. This can be done when they reached the age of 13 and ends in 20. This enables them to grow naturally and confidently while you keeping track on what they are doing.
So that, both of you benefit on each other progress and respect.
This not only dramatically improves self confidence in them but also they will feel that they can handle situations and thus they will move on to bigger things in future without your interference and confidently.
As a parent, building and improving self confidence in children can also be working and communicate with them on their dreams, goal and direction of lift. Plan a monthly session to sit down with them and reflect on what they had done so far and how will they want to achieve and how to go about it from where they are now. This type of practice will increase their responsibility in life and also improving self confidence in them as time goes by.
So being a parent, one must have ample space for your child to grow, so that, building and improving self confidence in children will be effective and you will be one happy parent to see your child grow from a toddler to adulthood taking care of each decision responsibly and with confidence.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Baby Beach Gear - 6 Tips For Baby Beach Fun
1. Make sure you take a proper stroller. With it, you can easily bring everything you need for the afternoon. Without it, you will be taxing both your spirit and your back to haul everything plus the baby across the sand and back again. A jogging stroller, with its convenient basket, works really well for carrying your baby's beach gear..
2. Pack one beach bag with your belongings such as sunscreen, towel, your book, and reading glasses. Pack a separate bag for the baby's belongings with diapers, wipes, SPF 50 sunscreen, sunhat, change of clothes, and a few sand toys. Keeping the baby's beach gear separate from your own makes it so much easier to locate things when you need them.
3. Pack a soft-sided cooler with snacks, water and the baby's formula. A hungry baby is not a happy baby and if you try to "get by" while at the beach, you will regret it.
4. Skip the beach towel and instead, pack a beach blanket or mat that is large enough to keep your baby comfortable on the sand.
5. Bring along a beach chair for yourself. It will be easy to transport if you slide it over the handle bar of the stroller.
6. Consider a large beach umbrella with an SPF of 50. But even with the added sun protection of an umbrella, you should still slather yourself and the baby with sunscreen.
You should have no trouble packing your jogging stroller with all of these items plus the baby. If your portable beach umbrella comes with a carry case, just sling it over your shoulder. And when you reach the beach, don't forget it's easier to pull the stroller backwards through the sand than to try and push it.
Enjoy your trip to the beach!
How to Sooth a Crying Baby
It may set your teeth on edge, break your heart, or scare you. But crying is something that every baby does. Crying is ment to get your attention and move you to action. So what actions should you take? What does this little person want?
Start with the basics. Is the baby hungry? Does he have a dirty diaper? Meet these needs and all will be well again. But what if those aren't the problems?
Try swaddling the baby. Babies miss the comfort of the womb. Also newborns do not have good control of their arms and legs. They jump out and startle the baby. Being swaddled in a light blankets is often just the trick to sooth an unhappy baby. They feel secure and thus happy.
Is it too quiet? Many people think that newborns and babies need absolute quiet. But the opposite is in fact true. Newborns miss the rhythmic sounds of their mother's body. Try putting on some white noise, nature music, or soft instrumental music.
Perhaps all she wants is you. This is where a comfortable, supportive baby carrier comes in handy. Put your baby inside and go about your day with your arms free. Baby is where they want to be and you are free to get things done.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
know Your Child, Listen To Him
Pay full attention : Don't be distracted by T.V. or the book you are reading. Don't just hear, but listen to him attentively to make him feel important.
Be patient : Children cannot be expected to be articulate. Give him ample time to express and help him ascertain his feelings.
Don't deny his feelings : If your child says that he is hurt after falling from the bed, don't tell him he is not. A child needs his feelings to be accepted and respected.
Sensitivity works better than logic : When a child talks about an upset, don't interrupt him with logical or philosophical explanations. Rather hug him, hold his hand and let him speak his heart out.
Listening adds confidence: Children begin to trust their feelings, believe in their perceptions when parents listen to them. This goes a long way in making a child a good conversationalist, a confident personality and the one who likes to listen to his parents.
Listening helps in understanding your child : Know your child's needs, discover his interests, help him to come out of his problems and complexes by listening to him. Listening to your child will help you to become not only a better parent but also a friend much closer to your loved one.
Help Your Child Learn To Share
The habit of sharing develops over a period of time: You have to be really patient because the attitude to adjust and share doesn’t develop overnight. Guiding the child once and expecting him to follow it would be too much. Always remember that your child is still in the process of learning to share.
Create opportunities for peer group interaction: The more your child gets to spend time with his age mates, the more he’ll learn to share. There may be a few unpleasant situations but both you and your child will learn from them. So take your child to the places of friends or relatives, parties or family get together and invite his friends over to your house.
Encourage your child to share: When a child experiences the joy and benefits of sharing, he is naturally motivated to share his things with his friends. Make your child experience this over and over again. Make him distribute sweets in his class or amongst his friends on occasions. Bake a cake for him and send to school to distribute in the class. Cook french fries in lunch so that he can share with his group.
Appreciate and never criticize: Praise your child whenever he shows signs of good behavior. At the same time don’t lose temper if he refuses to share. And worse would be to label or criticize the child for being selfish or uncivilized.
Be a role model: If you share your things comfortably with other members of the family or show such a behavior when it come to your friends, your child will surely follow your footsteps. Set an example from your own life while dealing in all kinds of relationships may it be friends, neighbors, relatives or your colleagues.
How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Stomach
If you're looking for a way to get rid of your stretch marks on your stomach, you are not alone. Many women suffer from stretch marks on their stomach due to a pregnancy and also from being overweight. Although a pregnancy is a beautiful event in a woman's life, stretch marks occuring on a woman's stomach after giving birth can have a negative impact on a woman's self image.
What Are Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks are caused by the tearing of the dermis, the resilient middle layer that helps your skin retain its shape. Stretch marks are usually the result of rapid stretching of the skin, such as during a pregnancy.
You Can Get Rid Of Your Stretch Marks On Your Stomach, There Is Hope.
First of all, if you are currently pregnant, prevention is key to minimizing the occurence of stretch marks. Don't wait until after you have your baby to start taking care of your stomach to prevent stretch marks from forming. You should try to prevent them by applying lotion with cocoa butter to your entire belly at least once or twice a day. Doing this throughout your pregnancy can help in preventing stretch marks from forming on your stomach.
If you already have stretch marks on your stomach, you can still get rid of them. There are natural remedies for treating stretch marks that will give you the results you want. You should use lotions that contain cocoa butter, rose hip oil, castor oil, shea butter, or vitamin A & E. Depending on how long you have had stretch marks on your stomach, you may need to treat them 2 to 3 times daily. Many people have also used olive oil and egg whites on their stretch marks to effectively remove/reduce them.
Your Diet Can Help Get Rid Of Your Stretch Marks
Drinking lots of water to keep your skin hydrated helps to reduce and get rid of stretch marks. Eating foods high in zinc, protein, vitamins A, C, & E, and eating foods that contain essential fatty acids like vegetables and fish, can help promote good skin which helps in getting rid of your stretch marks on your stomach.
Natural Remedies For Getting Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Stomach
Travelling Around When Pregnant
Wherever it is you are traveling you need to ensure that should the worst happen, you are prepared for it. Follow these quick and easy steps to journey preparation whilst pregnant and you'll make sure your holiday is as safe and risk free as possible.
1. Research the medical services available at your destination. If flying abroad, make sure your doctor refers you to an appropriate medical professional at your destination.
2. Always take your prenatal chart with you where ever you go. This contains all your pertinent medical data.
3. Make sure you have the right type of medical/travel insurance. Not every standard policy covers pregnancy and may exclude some world locations so make sure you get the policy you need. This may mean having to pay out extra on premiums.
4. If travelling by plane call up the airlines you will be using and find out what their pregnancy regulations are. Different airlines have different rules about admitting pregnant women including how many weeks on you can be before they refuse boarding.
5. If you have to travel by plane during the first trimester, book a seat towards the middle of the plane over the wing. This area of the plane has the smoothest ride so will reduce your need to reach for a sick bag during the journey.
6. Talk to your doctor before making any travel plans that take you out of the country or that involve a long, journey duration. This includes both car and plane travel and is especially important if you are experiencing any pregnancy complications or have a history of DVT.
7. Ask your doctor for a letter if you plan to fly. When the airline sees that you are pregnant they will request a letter stating your due date from your doctor and that you are fit and healthy to travel.
8. Don't eat a large heavy or greasy meal before you travel. Stick to light snacks like crackers or apples that will help to settle your stomach and eat small meals. This will help prevent and reduce morning sickness and travel sickness during your journey.
It is important to talk to your doctor in detail about all your travel plans whilst pregnant. Your doctor will need to know what is happening and when, as well as possible risks to you and your unborn baby.