Saturday, August 8, 2009

5 Ways to Get Your Child to Listen to You

Your Child Won't Listen to You? You've tried reasoning, you've tried punishing, you've tried bribing, you've tried humor - and nothing seems to work? Well, there is hope. Do you think your child is shutting you out and you're not sure why? Here are 5 Ways to get through to your child.

1. Listen to your child. No matter how insignificant their little problem is, it is paramount to them. As an adult, it is difficult to put away our own problems and just listen, but it must be done or your child will continue to be one of those problems. When you listen to your child, you validate their importance. Ask your child how their day went, and really listen. Are there other issues going on? Is your child being bullied at school and is afraid or ashamed to talk about it? If he is, you need to make your child feel safe with you, so she can bring it up. If you want your child to listen to you, you need to listen to your child.

2. Watch their facial expressions. Often they will tell you what they want with facial expressions. Why does he pout when his sister walks in the room? Why does she cry when her big sister is playing with someone else. There are great clues there. You shouldn't assume he is pouting because he is agitated with his sister - he may want something from her and doesn't know exactly what it is and is pouting because he feels out of sorts about "it." Put yourself in their shoes. When they talk to you, are you responding with love and caring in your voice? Or are you always short, curt and demeaning. Think about how you would like to be spoken to, and respond in kind. Not only do your children admire you, they mirror you. If you see a quality in them you dislike, think about where they learned it, and change yourself.

3. Let them make decisions. How often do you make decisions for them? You decide what they eat, what they wear, what they're going to do......OK, so it is important they are guided, but once you teach them the difference, give them some healthy options. Take her to the library and let her choose 5 books to read. You'll be surprised to learn just what she's interested in.

4. Make sure they are eating healthy. Do they snack or gummy worms, or apples? Most kids will choose a healthy snack over unhealthy. Don't even buy the junk food, and allow them to go into the frig all they want for that apple, carrot stick, cheese, hard boiled egg, or small handful of peanuts. Keep plenty of bottles of pure water on hand. Make sure they eat a healthy breakfast that has protein and keep the sugar intake low. No sugar ladened cereal for breakfast - give them oatmeal with peaches in it instead. Let them make their own fruit smoothie in the morning. Let them cut up the fruits and vegetables. With your supervision, they will learn to love to eat healthy. And so what if they make a mess? Just calmly tell them, "ok, now let's wipe up the counter so the bugs won't come, and here, let's wash your dishes off."

5. He won't clean his room or do his homework? He's always procrastinating? Don't just bark the command, "go clean your room!" or "do your homework!" When was the last time you offered to help your youngster clean his room? Make a game out of. "C'mon Johnny, let's see how many worms or frogs we find in your closet." Or how about this, "Janie, show me your homework - let's see what you're doing." Often times, the child's homework may be somewhat challenging to you. Admit it! Ask your child to teach you! When student becomes teacher, they they learn too. And your child loves you. When you show even the smallest amount of interest in what they're doing, they will excel.

Time is the best gift you can give your child. And with time comes a better understanding too. You may spend a few more minutes now interacting with your child, but it will pay off in the long run when your child becomes happy, healthy, successful, and independent.

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