Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Breastfeeding Benefits And Tips For Successful Breastfeeding
Unfortunately, breastfeeding is not necessarily as instinctive as one would expect it to be. However, the common fallacy that seems to persist that a mother might not have sufficient milk supply is unfounded. Although possibly, it is a very rare occurrence. For such a condition to be a rampant problem would have been evolutionary suicide back in the days where baby formulas did not exist. In most cases, it is usually a lack of support and understanding that prevents a mother from breastfeeding.
Breast milk is produced on demand and the best way to increase milk production is to allow the baby to suckle directly from the breast. It is the baby's suckling action that encourages further milk production. No suckling, no milk. Often, because of the "apparent" lack of milk in the early days of nursing, well-intentioned relatives encourage the new mother to supplement the feeds with formula - just until the milk comes.
Although well-intended, this flawed recommendation often sabotages the new mother's milk supply because it reduces the frequency with which the baby takes the breast. Since breast milk is produced on demand, the reduced suckling means less milk is produced. This then lends itself to the fallacy that the new mother "doesn't have milk".
In the first two days after delivery, the breast does not produce milk. It produces a substance called colostrum. Colostrum is rich in all the necessary nutrients required by a newborn and is very easy to digest. It offers protective antibodies for the newborn and also helps prevent jaundice.
A common concern among parents during this early stage is that the baby may not have enough to eat. However, we should be mindful that the size of a newborn's stomach is about the size of a grape. It is important for the baby to have frequent feeds during the early days as it sets the stage for normal milk production. Generally, the more often you feed, the better your milk production. By about the third to fifth day (there is a variation among mothers), colostrum will be replaced with regular breast milk.
To encourage breast feeding, it is advisable not to offer the baby any artificial pacifiers for the first six weeks (there is some variation to the timing between sources), therefore, no bottle feeding of any sort. At this time, the baby is also learning how to breast feed. The introduction of pacifiers can cause confusion because the suckling action is different from that of the breast.
There are additional issues with the introduction of a bottle too early. Babies are intelligent and they soon discover that it is far easier to retrieve milk from a bottle than it is to suckle from a breast. This is the fastest way to destroy a mother's milk supply. Although there are cases where babies happily interchange between bottles and the breast, this is not always the case, especially when the baby is very young. Where bottles are concerned, it is best to proceed cautiously, especially if continue to breastfeed is what you desire.
A baby that is exclusively breastfeeding has no need for water, because breast milk provides all the necessary fluids. The initial part of the feed is called the foremilk which is good for quenching thirst. If the baby is hungry, it will stay on the breast for longer to get the hind milk which is fatty and more filling. On the other hand, a baby that is consuming formula requires water to prevent constipation.
Most of the information on breastfeeding encourages mothers to breastfeed exclusively for at least the first six months - that means that the baby takes no other forms of nutrition except for breast milk. Beyond six months, solids may be introduced, but it is still advisable to continue breastfeeding as there is a lot of evidence pointing to continued benefits for babies who breastfeed up to one or two years of age and beyond.
Here is a summary of the benefits of breastfeeding:
It's nutritional - with the right constituents for human development
The babies have fewer illnesses because of the mother's antibodies being passed through the milk
Breast fed babies are less likely to develop allergies later in life
Breast fed babies have less risk of developing obesity later in life
More research is demonstrating that breast fed babies have more optimal brain development
Breast feeding lowers the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
Breast milk contains lots of good bacteria
Breast milk straight from the breast is sterile
Breast milk contains at least a hundred additional ingredients that formula does not
No baby is allergic to their mother's milk (although they may be allergic to some of the foods she eats, but this is easily rectified if the mother eliminates that food)
The suckling action allows the baby to develop strong jaw muscles that encourage the growth of straight and healthy teeth
Breast fed babies are also less likely to develop tooth decay compared to bottle fed babies
Babies who are premature or born with medical problems have also been shown to benefit from breast feeding
Babies who are breast fed have a stronger bond with their mothers. Some studies have shown that breast fed babies grow up to be socially more independent than their formula fed counterparts
Babies who are breast fed tend are generally held more closely than bottle fed babies. The skin to skin contact between mother and baby provides comfort for the baby that has just been removed from the protective environment of the womb.
Although breastfeeding is not without it own difficulties (mostly in the initial stages as it gets easier with time), I would think that given the overwhelming benefits, it's worth any inconvenience.
Additionally, we should not neglect the fact that breastfeeding is also beneficial to the mother - even more reasons to breastfeed:
The suckling action of the baby indirectly results in the contraction of the uterus, protecting the mother from post-partum bleeding
Exclusive breast feeding is 99% effective in preventing a second pregnancy the first six months post delivery
Decreases the risk of developing iron-deficient anemia
More rapid and sustained weight loss (milk production uses 200-500 calories a day)
Decrease the risk of developing breast, ovarian and uterine cancers
Current literature suggest that breast feeding may help protect against osteoporosis
It is also found that breastfeeding helps strengthen the maternal instinct. From the scientific perspective, the psychosocial benefits are a little more difficult to analyse, however one particular study found that mothers with a history of abandonment are less likely to abandon their babies if they breastfeed the baby.
The recommended duration for breastfeeding
Currently, the general recommendation is to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months, and to continue breastfeeding with other sources of nutrition up to 1 year. However, more and more research shows that it may be worthwhile to extend breastfeeding beyond the first year and that the benefits of breastfeeding continue even before the first year. stated that: "in comparing humans to other primates, research showed that humans' natural age of weaning is a minimum of two and a half years and a maximum of between six and seven years."
Current guidelines:
The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first four to six months of life and continued breastfeeding until at least two years.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued breastfeeding for a minimum of one year, but offers no upper limit.
By Shen-Li Lee
Top Ten Nutritional Tips for Children
1. Set a good example and keep your child active. Children learn by example, and if their parent is healthy and active, chances are they are too. Make activity fun for your child, and enrol them in as many sporting activities as you can afford.
2. Make sure your child eats their breakfast. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It will give them the fuel they need throughout the day. Make sure you guide them towards making healthy breakfast choices, such as oatmeal or whole grain cereals.
3. Keep your child hydrated, especially if it’s hot outside or they’re engaged in a sporting activity.
4. Make sure your child gets enough protein and carbohydrates in their diets. Foods that are good sources of protein and carbohydrates include fish, poultry, meat, cheese, milk, beans or legumes.
5. Provide healthy snacks after exercise. Instead of handing them a chocolate bar, hand them a piece of fruit instead.
6. Provide variety in their diet. If your child is eating the same things day after day, chances are that they’re missing out on some nutritional building blocks. Besides that, they will get bored with their diet. Instead, have them help you choose meals that are healthy for the entire family. This will help them make better choices in the future.
7. See a nutritionist. They can help a great deal when it comes to planning meals for you and your growing child.
8. Try to make home cooked meals as opposed to eating out. Fast food is generally not a good way to instil good eating habits in your child.
9. Throw out the soda and limit the juices. Soda is jam packed with calories and juices are typically full of sugars. Instead, give them water.
10. Teach your child about proper portion sizes. Most people eat way too much food at each meal, which contributes to massive weight gain in both adults and children.
Nutrition is important for both children and adults. Together you can make your house a healthier environment, where everyone can reap the benefits. Don’t allow poor nutrition and inactivity to ruin your child’s health. Together we can make a difference that will last a lifetime.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Getting Ready For Baby
This is in fact true. You can read and research all you want, but you will never really know what to expect until you go through it yourself. Sure researching the topic is advisable and helpful, but nothing will provide you what real world experience will.
This is never more true than with having a child. Sure you know to expect the sleepless nights and the feedings, and the changing of the diapers, but none of this will let you know how it feels to have to rock a crying baby to sleep while running on three hours of your own.
The biggest thing to preparing for having a child is to get yourself ready for the mental aspect of being a parent. For years you have had nothing more to look after but numero uno. Now you will become second fiddle to the new little one in your life. This will bring some of the happiest moments of your life, but you should also expect and know that with great pleasures also come great heartaches.
It's hard to adjust and being resentful of parenting at times is completely normal. You will find though after time that it will all become second nature, and that most of your fears are unfounded. Remember being a parent does not come with an instruction manual, but with the right mental state you will be able to face all of parenting s toughest challenges.
The easiest way to get prepared is to realize that you really can not be prepared. Once you have this mental aspect understood you will find that parenting is really about rolling with the punches.
Far too often parents find themselves exasperated when they attend to go walking with children especially if the children are young.
There's no getting around it:Since the children's legs are shorter, they will walk slower than you do. They might also want to use the walk as a time for adventure and exploration, which further slows down their pace. One solution is to allow more time for each walk, so you can let the children walk at their own pace and enjoy yourself. You might also concider setting aside time for two walks, one on your own and one with your kids. If you have only a limited amount of time for a single walk, you can walk with the child during your warm up period and then push the child in a stroller when you pick up pace. When walking with the family, make sure to vary your route, even if you merely walk in the opposite direction every other day. You might also encourage the children to invite one or two of their friends along or have them walk the family dog. One more useful variation: let one of the older children lead another child who shuts his or her eyes. This is an activity that is often used by teachers to heighten a child's awareness of his or her surroundings and developing the non visual senses. Be sure, however, that you keep an eye on them as they do this. You might also try walking together to go out to dinner, to go shopping or to go to religious services. When walking along a road where there are no side walks, walk on the right side of the road, against the traffic. Teach children the rules of traffic, such as obeying traffic lights and crossing the street at cross walks. And, as in driving, teach them to watch out for the other guy. Finally, make sure the children wear light coloured clothing. If they are wearing dark clothing, have them wear bright arm bands or hats. That way motorists will notice them. Will you be able to talk your children into walking with you and staying on a walking programme? Yes, provided you set an example yourself, and support your children with positive feedback and encouragement as they adopt more active habits. In this way you'll be able to maximise the health and happiness of your family's future generations. Don't push your children into walking, however. Nagging won't do much good, you'll just turn off fitness. Try to encourage an atmosphere of cooperation, togetherness and a sense of adventure. Show them how much you enjoy your walks and they'll be more likely to follow your example.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Raising Confident Kids
It is vitally important to encourage children when they have successes in their lives no matter how big or small those achievements might be. Whether it is taking their first steps, tying their shoes for the first time or graduating from high school our reactions, our encouragement and support as parents is what will mean the most to them.
There are some positive reinforcing words that can become a part of our vocabulary that will let children know that they are supported, encouraged and loved. The best thing we can do is make sure that they know they are loved unconditionally. This can be achieved by making sure the words "I love you" are a part of their daily lives. Never have any type of "but..." at the end of that sentence. Being loved no matter what they do, what they say or what happens will give them the knowledge that they are important and cared for and loved always.
When a child does something that we don't appreciate it is important to make sure they know it is the action we are displeased with. We always love them, just not everything they do. They are always loved, appreciated and supported even when things don't go right. You can dislike what they do but still feel the same wonderful feelings about them as a person. It should never be a response of "You're bad" . The things they do may not be supported but they always are.
Positive reinforcement when they do good things can be our best tool to get them to continue doing positive things. If a child feels supported and gets attention for doing good things then that will be where they put their energy. If they only get attention when they misbehave then they will look for attention however they can get it. So it is important to focus on their successes.
No matter how small the achievement might seem to someone else it is a big thing to them. Below is a list of words and phrases that can encourage kids to have confidence in themselves and know that the grown ups in their life have confidence in them too.
That was excellent! Good job! Well done! Awesome! You can do it! Yea, you did it! Terrific! You are really smart You did great Keep trying, I Know you can do it Great effort Thanks your help was appreciated I am proud of you That was hard, you did so well You are really good at that You are so creative, well done It's so much fun spending time with you You are so thoughtful, thanks! Wow, you are awesome! You tried so hard. You'll get it next time Keep up the great work! I love your enthusiasm. You are so talented! You are such a great help.
No matter what words you use, your kids will remember the encouragement, love and support you show them. It will give them the confidence and strength to try new things and know that it is okay even if they don't do well the first time.
They will know that they are talented in lots of areas of their lives and they will carry your confidence building statements through out their lives. Whether you are there or not they will know that they are capable, smart and talented in many things.
Baby and toys
needs toys..Nothing wrong - yes babies need toys. But what are the toys that
they actually love to play with for a long time without getting bored ?
They like to play with real ,,living'' toys. The real living toys are their
parents - father and mother.
Same with our baby too..She loves to play with her father and mother for
hours and hours without getting bored. She doesn't like any plastic toys and
wollen toys. She likes to play by sitting on top of her father's
stomach.Climbing on her fathers back and falling down from his body and
laughing !
For example - First, she wants her father to lay down. She then climbs up
from the side on to the back - walk till the head and comes down till the hip
and again comes back till the head and peeps me from side and gives a big
smile. My arms, legs, eyes, ears, head all are her toys. Same with her mother
too. She wants both mother and father to be together always.. She gives
gentle kisses on the back,on to the face, on to the stomach - endlessely
without being asked.She loves to eat the same food that their parents eat.
The way we feed her with our hands, she also feeds us with her hands while she
is eating. She is a sunshine in our hearts and lights us up with her smiles
and with the purity of her love.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How To Teach Kids About Money
It is important to always approach teaching children about money with openness and honesty, giving a constant and clear message. Explain to them why they can or cannot have certain items they wish to buy. You can’t always say yes to a request for money and if it has to be a no, it does few favours being over indulgent, but equally the ‘because I said so’ clause has little educational merit.
Before long your child will have a basic understanding of money. When this happens you may wish to start explaining the bigger picture. You might consider showing children how the whole family benefits from money via a visit to the supermarket. Once there pick out two similar products, perhaps a well known brand and an own label and allow the child to make the choice. If they choose the supermarket’s own brand, allow them to make a further purchase with the saved money. This might be a useful starting point for a discussion about value vs. price.
Consider also the type of signals about money that your child picks up on. You may feel it's important to let your child know family money matters are private, and not for discussion outside the home. If however, as parents you talk in hushed tones over bills and bank statements, your child may deduce that finances are something to be secretive and furtive about. Similarly, if they pick up some stress and anxiety over money, this too is a value that can be carried forward into adult life.
7 tips to help teach children about money
1) Fun, fun, Fun - make a game of both saving and spending. If only spending money is fun then they will not associate any pleasure with saving.
2) Routines - When they receive money as presents or from the tooth fairy establish a routine, like putting some or all of it in their piggy bank or savings account. They will most likely take these traditions forward into their own families.
3) Consistency - If you pay pocket money in return for helping around the house make sure they actually do the work. Even very young children can be responsible for tidying away their own toys or clothes. It’s a good idea to pay a set amount on a regular day but encourage their entrepreneurial side by giving them the opportunity to earn more if they seek it.
4) Look after the pennies - Turning off the lights, saving their pennies and giving small donations to charity collections are small things that they can do to create positive habits which may last a lifetime. Ensure that you explain why you are doing it and what the benefits are. Charitable giving can illustrate to your child that there are others less fortunate and introduce the idea to be grateful that they have more than enough.
5) Consequences - When your children ask for something, rather than say no. Ask them if they would like to buy it from their own money and explain what the consequences are. You may find that they are more reluctant to spend their own money than they are yours!
6) Praise, praise, praise - We may learn by our mistakes but by praising we reinforce positive behaviour and will encourage children to do the right thing out of choice ‘because it feels good’. This can be applied to saving, spending wisely and giving to charity.
7) Spend and save - when your children are receiving pocket money, teach them to save either some or all of it. It is always a good idea to let them spend a little however, as this encouragement will stand them in good stead later in life.
Tips For Getting Started With Breastfeeding
As your baby grows, your breast milk will change to suit whichever stage of development your baby is at. Your breast milk is tailored for your baby and your baby alone - no formula can boast such claims. Aside from the brain building, infection fighting benefits of breast milk, breastfeeding also helps to nurture a special bond between you and your baby. The skin-to-skin contact, cuddling and holding involved during breastfeeding is an important part of a baby's development that is not only beneficial to baby but to you as well.
Okay, so we know that breastfeeding is beneficial to you and your baby, but how does one get started?
Ideally, you should begin breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible after delivery. Let your doctor know about your decision to breastfeed your baby and ample opportunity can be arranged for you to nurse your baby while you are still in the delivery room. This first nursing session is one of the most important sessions because a baby's root reflex (the urge to suckle) is strongest right at birth and begins to diminish the longer you wait.
At this stage, your breasts are producing a substance known as colostrum that contains important antibodies that help protect your baby from infections and to line your baby's intestines to prepare them to receive full milk. Colostrum will continue to be produced for the first 3-5 days after delivery before the breast begins to produce mature milk.
Breastfeeding for the first time can be quite a challenge and it is important to get as much support as possible. If you aren't sure how to go about it, get help from the hospital's lactation consultant, or a good friend or family member who has breastfed a baby before. Having the right support can sometimes make the different between mothers who persist with breastfeeding and those that eventually give up. Remember that breastfeeding is an art that will require a lot of patience and practice.
If your baby has trouble finding or staying on your nipple, don't panic. Remember that there are two inexperienced individuals in the picture - you and your baby - and you both need time to adjust to one another and develop a nursing relationship. It is important to learn how to get a correct latch, position yourself comfortably and to break the suction when you need to. Make sure you have learned these three things before you leave the hospital.
A proper latch at the start should not be painful. However, nursing during the early days can cause your nipples to feel raw. This sensitivity will eventually subside - but be prepared for it to last a couple of weeks. Applying a barrier cream like Bepanthen after each nursing can help to lessen the sensitivity. Because of this initial tenderness, it can be difficult to tell if the pain is from an improper latch. If you aren't sure, check with the lactation consultant. With a proper latch, the baby's mouth should cover most of the areola (the darkened skin).
If your baby hasn't gotten a proper latch, break the suction and start again. It is important to ensure that your baby learns how to latch properly and not to continue nursing if your baby has latched on poorly. If allowed to continue, your baby will develop a bad habit of latching on poorly which is not only painful for you in the long run but makes feeding time more inefficient for your baby.
During the first few days, you should nurse frequently because the more often you nurse, the more quickly your mature milk will come in and the more milk you will produce. A good practice to adopt is to breastfeed for 10-15 minutes per breast at least 8 - 10 times a day. If for, any reason, you are not able to nurse your baby, you can help encourage your breasts to produce more milk by applying a breast pump to it. One recommendation is to use an electric pump on the lowest setting for as long as you would otherwise nurse your baby.
Crying during the early days is often a sign of hunger and it is important to feed your baby before he or she starts crying. Sometimes this may mean waking up your baby to begin breastfeeding. You may also find that your baby falls asleep easily during feeding. Jaundiced babies, especially, tend to be very lethargic and often don't wake up for feeds. They especially need to be woken up to feed because breast milk helps them to excrete bilirubin (which is the breakdown product of red blood cells that causes jaundice). A good guide to follow is to wake your baby up if it has been four hours since the last feed.
by Shen-Li Lee
Things to Consider Before Hiring a Teenage Nanny to Watch Your Toddler
The upside and the downside of a teenage nanny
On one hand, a teenage babysitter is great because she can keep up with the energy of an overactive child. Teenage nannies are energetic and fun because of their youth. They also charge cheaper compared with older nannies.
On the other hand, teenagers may not have sufficient experience in handling toddlers. Two- to three-year old kids have different needs and handling them is quite different. An inexperienced teenager may not be able to attend to the needs of a toddler. But this doesn’t mean that teenagers, in general, do not make for suitable nannies for younger children. If you’re looking to hire a teenage nanny to watch your toddler, here are some things you might want to consider.
Extensive experience
It would help if you hire a teenage nanny with sufficient experience. Teenagers who have younger siblings are more likely to come with decent childcare skills. Ask your candidate if she has younger siblings or relatives that she babysits. It’s also important to consider hiring somebody who has completed babysitter training or somebody who knows first aid and CPR. Red Cross babysitting courses are regularly offered to teenagers so it would also be a good idea to consider candidates with such certifications.
If the teenager has already babysat for other families, you may want to ask for references and contact the other parents. This is a good way to determine just how capable the candidate is.
Your children
If you have another child aside from your toddler, hiring a teenage nanny may not be a good idea. School-aged kids are already a handful and combining one with a toddler may be more than what the teenager can handle. However, if you only have a toddler who needs to be looked after, an experienced and trained teenage nanny should suffice provided that she is mature enough to care for the child.
Some parents do not mind having a teenage nanny watch over their toddlers particularly if she lives nearby. If your potential babysitter just lives a few blocks away and she can easily call someone like her mother or another adult for help in case of emergencies, she would still be a suitable candidate for the job.
Interviewing the candidate
The interview is crucial to your decision to hire a teenage nanny for your toddler. This is where you will be able to determine if the applicant is mature enough to handle a child as young as yours. How she answers your questions would be indicative of her competence.
By Doreen Lee
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tips On Buying Products For A New Born Baby
Another consideration is when you are buying essentials like diapers, tissues and the like, do you go for the cheaper products or is that false economy. Well, as for tissues, we can tell you that if you are using them for wiping/drying after changing the baby, it's better to use the cheap supermarket tissues as they are tougher and less likely to tear if wet. The more expensive tissues are softer and more suitable for wiping the nose.
Concerning diapers, it's a bit more complicated. Yes, the cheaper ones will ultimately do the same job, but because the system for keeping the wetness away from the baby's skin isn't as good, you may find the baby will be more prone to rashes, which means using more cream…and spending more money. Another problem is the cheaper diapers can leak during the night which will result in more sleepless nights. In our opinion, if you can afford it, go for one of the leading brands.
Another example where you may want to avoid the cheapest route is bottle sterilizers. At first we used a container where you soaked the bottles in a solution of water and purifying tablets. We found that it could cause the bottles to smell like chlorine and also, after a while, it could affect your hands and make them dry, even bleed. Using a steamer type sterilizer was quicker, easier and kinder to your hands. It does cost a bit more but you will be using it every day for months and months to come.
Talking of essentials, the kind of items mentioned above would be ideal gifts to give at a baby shower (a party where gifts are given to a parent or baby). Sometimes people spend lots of money on elaborate gifts which may never get used.
If you know anybody who has recently had a child then it is really worth asking about their experiences with various products, your parents may also be a good source of information. You will find that you may get many different options, they may not all be right for you, including some of them in this article but you will at least have a range of options and you can make the decision you feel is best for you and your baby.
Top Ten Outside Toys For Kids Under Twelve
Playing outside in the summertime is fun, but many children can easily become bored without a few outdoor summer toys. If you are the parent of a child who is younger than twelve, you have a number of options when it comes to buying outdoor toys. Below is a list and small summary of ten of the most popular outside toys for children under the age of twelve.
(1) Sand and Water Activity Tables
Sand and water activity tables are tables that allow children to play in the sand or in the water almost at the same time. Most tables are divided into two sections. A large number of companies make sand and water activity tables; therefore, you can purchase a wide variety of different table designs. Most sand and water tables are designed for children aged three and up.
Average Price: $45 - $75
(2) Outdoor Water Sprinklers
For years now, outdoor water sprinklers have been how many children without pool access have stayed cool during the summertime. Outdoor water sprinklers come in all different styles. Traditional sprinkler systems can be purchased; however, large beach balls, plastic animals, and other popular cartoon characters can be used as a sprinkler system. All outdoor water sprinklers require water hookup through a garden hose.
Average Price: $5 - $30
(3) Water Guns
Similar to the above mentioned water sprinklers, water guns are a fun way for children without a pool to stay cool. Water guns come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. You can purchase a water gun that fits into the palm or your hand or you can get one that is so big it is about waist tall. Large water guns tend to have more force when it comes to dispensing the water. This means that most large water guns are not safe for children under the age of five.
Average Price: $10 - $20
(4) Slip and Slide Water Toys
Slip and slides are known as small water slides. They have been a popular outdoor summer toy for children under the age of twelve for years now. Slip and slides work best on a hill, but with running water a child can have fun even on a flat surface. Many slip and slides are sold with a sprinkler system or a miniature wading pool for extra fun.
Average Price: $10 - $25
(5) Inflatable Water Slides
Until recently, the above mentioned slip and slide water toys were the only water slides designed for home use without a pool. Now large water slides are being sold online and in department stores across the country. These slides are inflatable and they can go as high as ten feet in the air. They come with a miniature pool at the bottom. Due to their large size, most water slides are designed for children over the age of four or five.
Average Price: $200 - $300
(6) Sandboxes
Currently, sandboxes sit in millions of backyards all across the country. When filled with sand, sandboxes offer hours of fun for the whole family. Sandboxes can come in a traditional box size or they can come as large plastic animals. Large plastic turtles and crabs are most popular with children under the age of five.
Average Price: $45 - $100
(7) Teeter Totters
Many parents and children mistakenly believe that teeter totters are only meant for the park. The truth is that there are a large number of teeter totters that are designed for backyards of all sizes. Large teeter totters can often be hooked into the ground; therefore, making it safe for older children or adults to use. Smaller teeter totters that are transportable and designed for children under the age of 10 can also be purchased.
Average Price: $40 - $80
(8) Grill and Grill Accessories
Toy grills are becoming one of the most popular outdoors toys to hit the market. A large number of companies make these grills; therefore, there is a large selection of different styles at most retail stores. The grills can come in all different sizes with talking pieces, plastic food, and other grill accessories. These toy grills allow children to feel like a grownup while they cook right alongside their parents.
Average Price: $20 - $60
(9) Children's Wheelbarrow and Garden Accessories
A children's wheelbarrow can be used for a number of fun outdoor activities. Children can use a wheelbarrow to move their toys or help their parents in the garden. Most wheelbarrows can be purchased with additional garden accessories for extra fun. Children's wheelbarrows come in all different shapes and sizes; therefore, children of all ages can have fun with this great outdoor toy.
(10) Bubbles
Bubbles have always been considered fun outside toys, but the creation of additional bubble toys have made them even more fun. In addition to traditional bubbles, there are now bubble-making machines. These machines can often produce hundred of bubbles in just a few minutes. There are also machines that can be used to create huge bubbles. In addition to bubble-making machines, there are also other bubble accessories that can create unique bubble shapes and much more.
Average Price: $5 - $20
All of the toys mentioned above are the top ten most popular outside toys for children under the age of twelve. The good news is that almost all of these toys are reasonably priced and great for backyards of just about any size. Why let your child suffer through a boring summer when a large number of fun outdoor toys are all within your reach?
By Cathy Franklen
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Keeping The Kids Entertained Through Summer With Outdoor Toys
Swing Sets
If you want your kids to have a great time outdoors this summer, one way that you can entertain them is with a nice swing set. There are all different kinds of swing set systems that are available today. You can find some that only offer the swings, while there are others that offer slides for kids to play on as well. Some sets have multiple slides, some even come with mini play houses attached to them. The swing set you choose will probably depend on the number of kids you have as well as the money you have to spend on the set.
Kids love playing in the dirt. Why not get them a nice sandpit that they can enjoy. Sandpits are relatively inexpensive to purchase and your kids can have hours of fun in the backyard. There are sandpits that come in cool shapes, such as in the shape of a turtle. Some sand pits are actually off the ground and covered with umbrellas to make sure your kids don't get to much sun while they are enjoying their time playing in the dirt. The sand usually isn't very expensive either, and you can purchase a few buckets and shovels, and your kids are set for hours of fun outdoors.
Climbing Sets
Climbing sets are another type of outdoor toy that many kids enjoy. Do you have kids that love to climb all over the place, why not purchase them a climbing set for the backyard. Usually these sets come with bars to climb across, swinging bars to swing and climb on, and more. Just make sure that kids are careful when they use this equipment. It may be a good idea for you to watch them to make sure they are safe.
Water Toys
Water toys for the outdoors are a huge hit with kids during the summer time. There are all kinds of different toys that use water. Consider some fun water guns for kids to play with. Small pools can be fun, and there are even fun sprinkler systems for kids that can be used right in the backyard. It is a wonderful way for them to cool off and enjoy themselves.
If you are going to purchase these toys for your children to enjoy this summer, try purchasing online. You can find many great deals online and it's easy to shop too. It allows you to carefully look through the toys available to find the best ones for your kids and the best prices as well.
Friday, July 10, 2009
4 Things to Do While Baby Sleeps
Ah, bliss. The baby's down for the night. To make the most of your precious time, try these tips from mom and life coach Carley Knobloch:
Set a timer. You open your laptop to return an e-mail but an hour later all you've done is web-surf. Instead, earmark the first 20 minutes for your "musts" (reply to your mom, order diapers), then search for the best sandal bargain.
Break a big job down. Whether it's filing recipes into a binder, arranging photos into an album, or working on a craft project, devoting even a few minutes to an ongoing task will give you a feeling of accomplishment toward something that's just for you.
List it. You'll sleep better if you get what's on your mind -- groceries, work, or baby to-dos -- down on paper.
Be calm. Before you hit the sack, sip herbal tea, stretch, try an aromatherapy cream. Life is stimulating; you deserve a Zen moment.
Final note: No dishes or toy pickup! Do that while your baby is awake (not every hour together has to be quality time) or delegate to your partner.
Safer Baths
The smartest and easiest way to ensure the water temperature is just right is to keep your home's water heater gauge set no higher than 120 degrees farenheit. Before you get your bambino wet, test the water by dipping the inside of your wrist or forearm into the tub. If the water feels too hot to these thin-skinned areas, it's definitely too hot for your baby; lukewarm on your wrist is just about the perfect temp. Other baby bath safety tips:
Only fill the tub with an inch or so of water-that's all a baby needs to get clean, have fun and stay safe.
Cover the tub spout with a cushioned guard so your tot's head doesn't collide with it.
Never leave your baby unattended for a second in the bath, even if you are using a tub seat -- it's certainly helpful in keeping that wriggly, wet body in one spot, but it's not a safety device and won't protect your child from drowning. Stay within arm's reach, and don't use the phone or do anything else distracting while your child is in the water.
Introducing a Bottle to Your Baby
The ideal time to introduce a bottle to your baby is between 2 and 3 weeks of age. It is important to make sure that your milk supply is well-established and that the baby is feeding well before offering a different kind of nipple. At the same time, if you wait too long before introducing the bottle, the baby may reject it. So it's best to stay within that window of time to avoid any type of nipple confusion or preference. It is also best if someone other than mom offers the bottle as babies are smart. They know what they can get from mommy and will often reject taking something other than the breast from her.
Remember that it's fine if the baby doesn't polish off the bottle. If she is used to breastfeeding, it's impossible to tell how much she should be taking. However, if the baby finished it within minutes, it does not mean that the baby needs more. Sometimes it's something as simple as using a nipple that's dissimilar to the slow-flow of a mother's breast. It's sink-or-swim: If the baby doesn't swallow milk from a bottle nipple that's too large, she will choke. So it seems that she's feeding quickly. Make sure that you're using a slow-flow or newborn nipple.
Here are some tried-and-true tricks:
- Prepare the bottle about a half an hour before the baby's feed. The chances for rejection are slim if the bottle is all ready to go rather than having the baby wait hungrily for it to warm.
- Warm the nipple under hot water.
- Sit in a place where the baby is not typically breastfed.
- Place the baby in your arms, keeping his head a bit higher than the rest of his body.
- Place the nipple of the bottle well into the baby's mouth, centered on the tongue.
- Sing or talk to the baby.
- If the baby is very slow at first, that's okay. Remain patient and, once he understands he can get milk from that nipple as well, he'll start a rhythmic feed.
- Burp frequently. Bottle feeding is different than breastfeeding and babies tend to swallow much more air during the process.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Educational Toys: Making Kids Smart By Having Fun
It All Starts at Home
The home front is crucial to a child’s development. This is where curiosity is first explored. This is where a child learns about colors, shapes, and sounds, what Yes and No mean, and that asking “why” can almost always generate an explanation. The first lessons brought about by childhood generally come from the people around the household. That’s why all activities of your kid should be carefully selected. The right books, appropriate TV programs, and educational toys can supplement and enhance your child’s learning process, making the early stages of learning easier and enjoyable.
Lessons of Playtime
Playing is every child’s first priority. Playtime may only seem to provide pure entertainment, but it is also an integral part of your child’s mental and emotional growth. While it’s good to provide children opportunities for skill formation, such as music or art classes, it’s also ideal to give them ample time to play. Doing so, would provide the following benefits:
- Personality development
- Awareness of their potentials
- Promote independent thinking
- An avenue for creative thinking and problem solving
- Improvement their motor skills
- Enhance their ability to think and communicate
- Value-formation
Guidance is essential to bring out the best in children. But it doesn’t mean that you should totally organize the whole experience for your child. The important thing is to provide supervision and the appropriate tools for play and let your child take it from there.
Toys that Fit
Giving your child high-quality educational toys will liven up and enhance the process of sensory and learning development. The right toys for the right age needs to be considered too. A rattle wouldn’t capture the interest a five-year-old kid. Here’s a quick guide on what educational toys children may enjoy at a certain age:
Infants – The keywords are soft, safe, and colorful. Vividly colored rattles and squeaky toys will stimulate their sense of touch, sight, and hearing.
1 to 2 years – This is a stage where children start learning how to maneuver the things in their hands. They are also beginning to discover that some things are paired together. Toddlers will enjoy building blocks and toys that will allow them to identify and match shapes.
2 to 3 years – Children are beginning to get more creative at this age. They like role playing with other kids or by themselves. Puzzles, Play Cubes, and educational toys that stir their imagination are the best options.
4 to 5 years – Kids are into creative thinking and decision-making by this age. Educational toys that can help enhance these developments include puzzle games and constructions toys.
As children grow older, they become more independent in their choices of what toys to play with. They usually forego free play for games that involve rules and friends. They learn to be competitive. This is the time where parents’ guidance is most crucial. But if you’ve established the foundation by providing your child with educational toys early on, then you may have a child who’s well-developed emotionally and smart to boot.
Toys - Educational Toys for the Kids
The deliberation of purchasing baby Stroller Toys could be very thrilling, particularly once you beat the sores filled with sweet looking things which your baby will like to play with. Nice infant stroller toys even make for wonderful room accessories while they are kept in the open shelves or just when they are lying on kid's room floor. To ensure that you purchase the best feasible baby Stroller Toys remember the following points in mind:
1. Soft- Toys with soft surface, having a soft finish, are what you must be careful for. Make certain there are no uneven edges on the toys which could hurt the kid's skin.
2. Large- You must choose sensibly large toys, with big sub parts. This makes sure that though your baby acquires the toy in his mouth, he is unable to consume it down. Though, do not select for the toys which are very large which the child cannot also take under his grip. Moreover, despite being large they must be as light weighted as feasible, in order that the bay could hold it up with no trouble.
3. Strong- The baby stroller toy must be manufactured superbly, in order that the parts do not remain coming off.
4. Washable- The toys must be easy to clean, as well as if possible also be such that they do not draw too much dust and dirt. The baby will be inclined to take stroller toys in his mouth repeatedly again, as well as there is not much you could do about it. The ultimate way to ensure that it does as little damage to the child's health as feasible is by keeping it dirt free. Washable toys which do not get unclean easily are certainly very significant.
Learning Toys
Kids like video games, however the majority of games have little or no learning value and a lot of even glorify aggression. Therefore it is no shock that parents regularly put severe restrictions on the kinds of games their children can play as well as how frequently and for long they could play them.
That is not to say that all the video games are not good. Many Learning Toy makers as well as kids' book publishers have used the recognition of video games to their benefit and formed learning computer games. Kids find these fun and entertaining and adults like them because they teach kids new things and strengthen what they are education in school.
Pre-school Children Toys:
In this "Information Age", it is becoming all the time more significant for kids to turn out to be contented with computers while they are youthful. Computer games are obtainable for toddlers as young as preschool age. When your child perhaps would not be capable to do typing at that age, you could assist her study how to make use of a mouse. Preschoolers can play the games that facilitate them study the alphabet, shapes, numbers and colors.
Your Baby's Crying - What To Do
The best place to start is the layer. If it is wet or dirty, then the baby will be uncomfortable and start crying. If the layers to change, then change it. In most cases, that will solve the problem. Some babies do not have changed their diapers, and often even cry. Mainly it is because they do not like the feeling of being discovered. Thus, the diaper change as quickly and smoothly as possible, to minimize distress. Then cover the baby with a blanket or clothing, so that the baby feels comfortable again.
Babies also be hot. However, it is also possible to overdress a baby, so reasonable about this. When verifying the child, the search for very red skin, to see if the baby is sweating. Each of these signs suggest that the baby is almost certainly too hot. A good rule to dress your baby is one layer more than you wear. If the baby is too hot or cold, then adjust clothing and blankets as a function of temperature.
Then, your child is hungry? Is it that since the last food? What the baby may feed a little less than normal at the last feeding, and thus perhaps hunger fast this time? Try nursing or offering a bottle. Babies need to eat often because they are increasingly so quickly. Often, the action of sucking helps to soothe the baby, even if they are not very hungry. Babies are very good to know when they are tired, and stops. So do not worry too much boost. The baby stopped crying once he was not hungry any more.
After feeding, many babies develop gas. The digestive system of the baby is just developing, and eating is a whole new experience. Sometimes crying means the baby has gas rumbling around in the belly and needs to be burped. Place a cloth over your shoulder and keep the baby against your shoulder so that his stomach is against the front of your shoulder. Make sure the head is forward, or support the head if you can. Rub his back firmly in a circular motion. This puts pressure on the digestive system front and rear, and often rot. Some tapping May also help, but be very careful if you decide to do this - babies are very delicate.
May you find that just taking a walk with the baby on the shoulder of your help. Babies seem to like movement, probably because they are used to being bounced around the uterus. But, who is standing next to a parent is very soothing to a baby. Babies enjoy being held and cuddled - despite some suggestions to the contrary, you can not hold your baby too.
Some babies also, it is very soothing to be swaddled in a small blanket. Langes in total around the baby quite well. The arms are close to the child. In some ways, this feels a bit like the womb to the baby because they were included there too. Sometimes the sudden experience of being able to move around can distress a child. Your healthcare professional should be able to teach children effectively Swaddle. It is important to ensure, however, that the head and neck remain uncovered.
Once you have gone through the list above - check the layers, check the temperature of the baby, try a food or a rot, Swaddle and baby - and the baby still cries, trying to keep the baby nearby and a rhythmic "Shhhh" sound near the baby's ear. If it sounds a bit like a wave on the beach, great. This is the kind of sounds heard the baby in the womb, and it is often very reassuring and soothing. Some babies are very sensitive to noise, and the average home produces a lot of noise! You can even try listening to the radio station, so you can hear is "white noise".
Over time, you find that you begin to recognize the difference between your baby cries, and probably not need to go right through the checklist every time baby cries. However, if at any time you think your baby is sick or in pain in May, or if he is still crying even after checking all these things, it is always best to consult your health care professional just to make sure everything goes well.
By Baby Care
To Breastfeed or to Bottle-feed
So why are these health organizations recommending breastfeeding? The advantage of breastfeeding to babies is that nursing can be a wonderful experience for both mother and baby. This will provide the nourishment and special bonding experience between mothers and babies.
Breastfeeding can also help prevent infection. Antibodies can pass from the mother to her baby through breastfeeding. And this lowers the occurrence of certain conditions like ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and meningitis. It can also increase the infant's immune system by increasing the barriers to infection and decreasing the growth of organisms like bacteria and viruses. Thus, breastfeeding can also help prevent allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sudden infant death syndrome.
Another advantage of breastfeeding is that babies can easily digest breast milk. It also contains many of the vitamins and minerals that the baby needs. Another advantage is that breast milk doesn't cost a cent unlike chemically prepared milk formulas. And it is always fresh and available. There's no need to do last minute run to the stores or warm up bottles in the middle of the night. And lastly, studies have also shown that breastfed babies have slightly higher IQs than children who were formula fed.
Though there are benefits that breastfeeding gives, some women are not capable of breastfeeding for comfort, lifestyle or health reasons. But mothers who do not breastfeed should not feel so guilty. They can still give the nutritional needs of their baby through chemically prepared formula. Though breastfeeding is considered the best nutritional option for babies, it is not right for every mother. Breastfeeding can be too difficult or stressful to some mothers.
Commercially prepared infant formulas are also a nutritious alternative to breast milk, and even contain some vitamins and nutrients that breastfed babies need to get from xyz supplements.
Mothers usually choose bottle-feeding for several reasons. Convenience, with bottle-feeding either the parent or a caregiver can feed the baby a bottle at any time. This allows the mother to share the feeding duties with her partner. And let her partner feel more involved in the crucial process and the bonding that comes with it.
Bottle-feeding can also give flexibility. Mother can leave her baby to her partner or caregiver without worrying that their babies are not fed. And mothers won't need a private place to nurse their babies in public. And formula fed babies usually need to eat less often than breastfed babies because formula digests slower than breast milk. And lastly, women who bottle-feed their babies do not need to worry about the things that they eat or drink that could affect their babies.
By Christina Taylor
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How Much Formula Does My Baby Need?
Sometimes getting an idea of how much formula your baby needs can be a little confusing. It is always best to tune into your baby's hunger cues. The problem may be that sometimes he might send you mixed signals, and you find you need a little more guidance on the matter. You can use a simple mathematical equation to get a rough estimate of how many ounces of formula your baby needs each day.
Infant Formula Calculation
To determine your baby's daily formula intake range, multiply your baby's weight by two. This is the lower end of how many ounces he needs in a 24 hour period. Then multiply his weight by 2.5. This is the upper range of ounces required.
For example, a 12 pound baby would likely need 24 to 30 ounces in a 24 hour period. To determine how many ounces per bottle, divide those amounts by the number of feedings your baby takes per day. In this example, if your baby is taking 6 bottles in 24 hours, he would need approximately 4 to 5 ounce bottles.
Ounces of Formula By Age
Another way to estimate formula amounts can be done by age.
- Newborns: as little as 1 to 2 ounces per feeding
- One to two months: 3 to 4 ounces per feeding
- Two to six months: 4 to 6 ounces per feeding
- Six months to a year: 6 to 8 ounces per feeding
Overfeeding or Underfeeding
Signs that you are not feeding your baby enough may include persistant crying, decreased urine output, a wrinkly look to the skin, a dry roof of the mouth, and increased sleep.
Conversely, signs that you might be overfeeding will follow shortly after feedings. This may include spitting up or vomiting, crying, pulling up legs to the abdomen, and colic-like behaviors.
Generally speaking, timing feedings so that your baby has bottles that contain lesser amounts of formula more frequently is better than giving larger quantities of formula less often.
Source : by Jennifer White
How Much Sleep Does My Baby Need at Night and During Naps?
General Infant Sleep Guidelines
What follows are general guidelines for how many hours the average baby sleeps at night, naps during the day, and how many naps she takes. The total time may fluctuate as much as two hours, and the number of naps may be flexible as well. There's no need to follow this outline rigidly, but it can give you an idea of what to expect of your baby's sleep habits.
- 1 month: 8 1/2 hours of sleep at night, 3 naps totalling 7 hours, 15 1/2 hours sleep total
- 3 months: 10 hours of sleep at night, 3 naps totalling 5 hours, 15 hours sleep total
- 6 months: 11 hours of sleep at night, 2 naps totalling 3 1/4 hours, 14 1/4 hours sleep total
- 9 months: 11 hours of sleep at night, 2 naps totalling 3 hours, 14 hours sleep total
12 months: 11 1/4 hours of sleep at night, 2 naps totalling 2 1/2 hours, 13 3/4 hours sleep total
How to Increase Your Milk Supply
Many breastfeeding mothers reduce feeds or wean earlier than they would like -- sometimes by choice, sometimes not. From herbal therapy and prescription medication to nursing and pumping, there are myriad ways to reestablish milk supply after having taken a lengthy break from nursing, or if a mother feels that her supply isn't as strong as it once was.
If you find yourself in this position, it is important that you recognize your comfort level with the therapy you choose and devise a plan according to what you will realistically want and be able to do.
Increasing Supply When Breastfeeding
To achieve the strongest milk supply possible, it is essential that you:
Breastfeed or pump at least 8 to 12 times a day
If it has been a while since your baby was at the breast, it will take a lot of loving persistence and consistency. With patience, your baby should find his way back to breastfeeding comfortably. If the baby is having trouble latching on, you may need a refresher in positioning and latch techniques.- Offer both breasts at every feeding
Avoid timing your feedings. Instead, wait until the baby comes off the breast himself, then switch to the other side. This will ensure that the baby is getting the proper balance of foremilk and hindmilk. - Utilize breast compression
This will help the milk flow better and encourage the baby to continue feeding. - Avoid artificial nipples
Any time the baby needs either food or simple comfort, the breast should be the first choice.
If the baby seems frustrated by the nursing, especially if your milk supply is extremely low, a supplemental nursing system can really work wonders. The baby receives supplemental milk at the same time that she breastfeeds, so she stimulates the your supply while getting her required nourishment.
How to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply
If you find yourself thinking similar thoughts, before you do anything else, seek out a lactation consultant who can help you figure out what the problem really is. If it is low milk supply, rest assured that there are many ways to build your supply and pack some more weight on your little one's wee body.
1. Check Your Latch
One of the most common reasons for a breastfed baby's slow weight gain or an issue with milk supply has to do with improper latch. If a baby is latched improperly, not only is it quite likely to cause discomfort for mom, it will also fail to stimulate greater milk production.
2. Breastfeed Often
Though the old adage "never wake a sleeping baby" seems to be sage advice, not so for the baby and mama dealing with low milk supply. Breastmilk production is all about the law of supply and demand. The more often you are putting baby to the breast and sufficiently "emptying" the breast, the more milk you will produce.
If weight gain or low milk supply is a problem, aim to breastfeed a minimum of every two hours. Once your doctor feels the baby has achieved a solid weight gaining pattern, you can switch to feeding on-demand.
3. Pump Following Feedings
Another way to help build supply is to use a high-quality electric breast pump to express milk immediately after your baby has finished nursing. Pumping for 10 - 20 minutes following a feeding will help build supply. You should continue to pump even if you are not expressing milk.
What this technique does is help to "empty" the breasts sufficiently which will trigger you to produce more milk at subsequent feedings. The term "empty" is a little bit misleading, however, as there will always be trace amounts of milk left in the breast.
4. Nourish Your Own Body
Bottom line - if you aren't feeding your own body adequately, it's going to make it much harder for you satisfy your own baby's nutritional needs. Getting an appropriate amount of calories a day (roughly 1800 - 2200) and drinking water to satisfy your thirst is very important for your health and for the sake of your milk supply.
5. Drain the Breast Before Switching Sides
Switching back and forth between breasts during a feeding can deter your milk production. If your milk supply is low, keep your baby at the first breast long enough to drain it of milk. At that point, switch to the other breast. Start feeding your baby at the opposite breast at the start of the next feeding.
6. Consider Possible Side Effects of Medications
Sometimes the issue has to do with a medication you are taking. Birth control pills and cold or allergy medicines may reduce milk supply. Check with your pharmacist to see if any of the medications you are taking could be reducing your milk production.
7. Consider Taking Medications
When all of the above steps have been taken and milk supply remains low or weight gain is still insufficient, talk to your lactation consultant about medications or herbal supplements that may help boost your supply. You should be sure to research any medications or supplements offered. Some medications do have side effects, and there simply is not a good body of research on the benefits of herbal supplements for increasing supply. Both should be used by informed mothers.
If you do opt for medication or supplements, just keep in mind that these medications work best when you are either breastfeeding or pumping frequently. It all goes back to that law of supply and demand. The more your body is stimulated, the more milk you will produce.
Monday, July 6, 2009
How Our Thoughts And Actions Affect Our Children’s Behaviour.
As parents who are trying to improve children’s behaviour, remembering that your negative behaviour will also attract a negative response, can really help you to stay positive and non reactive, so that you are more likely to get a positive response from your children.
James Allen in his classic book “As a Man Thinketh”, explains this theory really well.
He likened our minds to that of a garden. He said that we can “intelligently cultivate” a garden by planting useful seeds and helping it blossom, or we can leave the garden to grow wild and let an abundance of useless weeds take over.
He believed negative thoughts were like weeds and very destructive, while positive thoughts can be planted like seeds to grow and develop into beautiful things.
So by thinking of your child’s mind as a garden that needs to be carefully cultivated and filled with good seeds and know that negative actions are destructive and fill the mind like weeds in a garden it can help to see the reason behind using positive methods to improve children’s behaviour.
The bottom line is, by helping a child to feel good about their self, you attract good behaviour, and if a child is made to feel bad about their self you attract unwanted behaviour.
So next time you feel yourself getting annoyed with your children, and they are misbehaving, check to see if you are saying or doing negative things which will be making the situation worse. You can turn things around by saying more positive things and acting in a more positive way, even if this starts with calming down and getting yourself in a more positive mindset first.
For example,
If you asked a four year old to get dressed for school and 5 minutes later you see that they have not even started, it can be a natural reaction to think negative about this and respond by saying something negative, such as,
'Why can't I trust you to get dressed when I ask you, you are always wasting time and making me late for work'. .......and so on. Although a child may respond and get dressed, it is not going to put them into any kind of good mood, which will likely mean more negative behaviour later on.
If we turn our thoughts into positive ones, we might say something encouraging and positive, for example,
'Come on it's time to get dressed, you are really good at getting dressed, show me how quick you can get dressed and see if you can beat me to the kitchen for breakfast, ... This is much more positive and likely to put them into a good mood and want to please you by getting dressed.
So remember GOOD thoughts and actions produce good results
BAD thoughts and actions produce bad results
By Ruth Edensor
How To Choose Baby bedding Sets
Cotton is a excellent fabric for baby bedding due to its durability. It goes through the washing machine and dryer well, and it is breathable. Cotton is also nice and warm during the winter months and keeps you cool during the summer months. If you are looking for a deluxe look and feel you should consider a silk fabric because of its natural protein that feels extremely smooth. Silk baby bedding is delicate so it is important to follow the washing instructions listed on the manufacturer's label. Softness and durability are the character of wool: a 100% natural fiber. Baby beds can be made warm in cold seasons by using wool bedding. Wool should always be dry-cleaned by default but also refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
When you are purchasing for luxury baby bedding, you should pay close attention to the thread-count. In one square inch of fabric, the number of horizontal and vertical threads constitutes the thread-count. The standard thread count is 190 to 330. The material in your baby bedding will not necessarily be durable just because it has a high-thread count. But with a superior thread-count, you have baby bedding that both feels softer and is of superior quality.
When browsing for baby bedding, try a red and white blending because it goes well with almost any decor. Cot sheets, blankets and quilts with flower designs are well-suited to conventional or contemporary nursery bedding decor. Infant's room usually comprise of bright colors. A room will experience pure euphoria when invigorating colors are applied. Beautiful pastels in many different styles and layout of their multi-faceted natural patterns, give ultimate relaxation and striking beauty to any room you aspire to find comfort and pleasure in. Purple, blue, pale yellow and lilac are colors that are often used in the most elegant baby bedding and in nurseries.
You should not be astonished if shopping for modern baby bedding if it feels mildly crispy. Fabric manufacturers use starches or other stiffening products because they want the linen to look ironed and new, so it is to be expected that it would be crisp. Always to wash all washable linen, including your baby bedding before you use them. Buying high quality baby bedding is also a great idea because numerous washes results in an even softer feeling from when first bought.
Before purchasing your baby bedding check the labels to ensure it's not flammable. Keep an eye out for bedding sets available in the stores that are sold with matching coordinates if the subject idea of the bedding is meaningful to you. Baby bedding sets on clearance can save you a considerable amount but have fewer accessories. The money you save by purchasing less expensive baby bedding can go toward making a nice theme for your nursery.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Teach a Child to Take Care of His Toys
Children always anticipate playtime. It is one time of the day that children love. Playtime allows them to relax after a tiring day at school. It is a reward after doing their homework or after helping in household chores.
It is a fact that playing games and having fun improves children in many ways. It develops them physically. It gives them the chance to greatly exploit their mental prowess and imagination. Furthermore, when they play with other kids, it allows them to practice friendship, cooperation, sharing, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.
Kids and toys, of course, are important components during playtime. They always offer fun no matter if they are as simple as a ball or a stick or as complex as a remote-controlled walking robot. Each play session is an adventure for children, and they should not be deprived of that.
After playtime is over, however, children should be responsible for taking care for their toys. This is also part of play, to teach the child the responsibility of taking care of things that are his property. It will also teach them how to pick after themselves. Both disciplines should be ingrained in their minds as soon as possible.
1. Remember that you invested in a kid toys. No matter how cheap it is, it still came from your pocket, and you passed the item’s ownership to your child. Therefore, you have to make him realize that his toys are important. So you need to set an example. Take out the toys from their storage space carefully, letting your child see how you do it. Let him see how you clean it and how you handle it. Children follow their parents as examples. Just because it is a toy does not mean you can take it for granted. Explain to the child that you worked hard to buy the toy he wants, so he needs to take good care of it.
2. Toys 4 kids should be kept in their own space. Firmly tell the child to pack away his toys and place them in their proper place after he plays with it. To encourage him further to pick after himself, tell him that the storage space is a “house” for his toys, and everything inside that “house” are special and should be handled with care. Explain this to him in a simple way; simplicity allows a more favorable attitude in a child.
The storage space itself should be kept clean. Assign a cleaning schedule each week wherein the child cleans his own toy cabinet. Be ready to lend him a hand in the chore.
3. You need to give your child a warning if he plays or handles his toys roughly, even tough-looking baby toys. The problem with most parents is that they just let this go, believing that this is natural. Yes, but this should not be allowed to happen. Leaving the child to play that way instills a belief in him that rough play is all right. Remember that he has to take care of his toys.
If the child is particularly resistant, then take the toy away from him, effectively ending his playtime. Tell him that you will give back the toy if she plays nice.
4. Let him share his toys with other playmates, especially those Kids Toys. Then tell him to make sure that his playmates do not play roughly with his toys. This teaches him the value of protecting his own property.
7 Great Wooden Toys for Your Kids

First, the wooden airplane is a classic. Small wheels to take off and land plus a spinning propeller in the front give this classic all the character it needs. For extra fun, you can buy an unpainted wooden airplane and paint it with your child.
Another favorite is the wooden rocking horse Depending on the size you get these will be good for 12 months old all the way up to 5 year olds. This is one toy you probably will not want your child to play with unmonitored, as accidents are possible.
There's also the ever popular wooden treasure chest. Kids find all kinds of great uses for these, and it can be great fun for boys and girls. There are many different versions of these boxes, such as a toy box, treasure chest, or spindle toy chest. Children love to have a secret place to keep their special chosen treasures.
Lift-out puzzles are another wooden toy that are suitable for many different ages. They can be very educational, as they make your child think about shapes, numbers, colors, and use logic to solve the puzzle. Kids feel like they have accomplished something after playing with these special toys.
Wooden kazoos have to be an all-time favorite, especially of kids who love noise. Best of all, they are cheap for parents to buy. Second of all, it lets your kids get started early with becoming a famous musician. You may not think they are on the road to fame, but just let them play it outside so the neighbors can enjoy the latest and greatest music.
There are always the usual building blocks, stacking bowls, and various other building toys. You can get these blocks in multi-colors or natural wood, or you can even craft your own. These work great to teach basic geometry, architecture, and physics. There's nothing like wooden blocks to bring out the best of your child's imagination.
Last, but not least, wooden train cars are a classic. You can continue to add to your collection of train cars over the years so your child can build his or her own train over the years. Usually these train cars will connect with magnets and they have various wooden tracks you can lay out. There are even bridges, tunnels, mountains and everything else you might be able to think of for your child's wooden train set. Wooden trains never change and are highly durable and can be passed down from one child to another.
These 7 wooden toys are great classics that are fun and durable – unlike many modern toys. We hope that your kids get many years of enjoyment from toys like these.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
For New Moms : How To Manage Your Time
Try this. Get a sheet of paper. On the left side, write the hours of your day. Start with when you wake up and end with when you go to bed. Keep track of how you spend each 15-minute period. Here's a sample of how one hour might look
6:00 a.m. Get dressed.
6:15 a.m. Feed the baby
6:30 a.m. Dress the baby.
6:45 a.m. Finish dressing.
7:00 a.m. Take the baby to day care.
Do this every day for a week. After a few days, you will notice habits. You will get a clear idea of where your time goes.
At week's end, review what you have done. Circle all the important things—such as baby care, work, meals and sleep.
Use Existing Time Better
Maybe you spent 10 minutes one morning looking for your keys. Instead, put your keys in a regular place—such as a hook in a kitchen cabinet.
If you always seem rushed in the morning, get organized the night before. Set out clothes for yourself and the baby. Pack the diaper bag. Make your lunch and put it in the refrigerator.
When standing in line at the store, play a simple game with your baby. You might point to things in your basket and name them.
Plan Ahead
Plan menus a week or more in advance. Make a list of needed groceries and shop only once a week. Instead of shopping Saturday afternoon when the store is busy, go on a weekday night.
Combine errands into one trip whenever possible. The day before a doctor's appointment, write down the questions you want to ask.
Simplify When Possible
Find a simple hairstyle that needs only washing and brushing. Choose clothes that look fresh without ironing.
When faced with a big job, avoid the temptation to put it off. Instead, break it into small parts. Ask about anything you don't understand. Do one part at a time. Reward yourself when it's done.
Free Up Time
Maybe you can wake up 15 minutes earlier than your baby. You might use this for exercise or quiet time for yourself.
Divide up chores among family members. When cooking, double the recipe. Freeze half for when you're too busy to cook. When someone asks you to do something, consider saying no.
Now plan your time for the coming week. Be realistic. Remember that unexpected things may happen. Be flexible. Keep refining your schedule in the weeks ahead. You may still feel busy and miss doing some things you want to do. If so, be patient. In a few years, your child will be in school most of the day. Your schedule will change.
For now, give yourself a pat on the back. You are doing important things for yourself and your family. The ways you spend your time now will shape the rest of your child's life.
These tips were reproduced from the U.S. Department of Education.
How To Coping With Stress
These feelings can be powerful. When you are angry, you may feel like hitting someone. You may feel like breaking things or saying hurtful things.
But there are other ways to deal with strong feelings. Here are some tips:
- Talk about these feelings with someone you trust. The worst thing you can do is keep these feelings to yourself.
- Talk to your spouse or a family member.
- Talk to a friend, a doctor or a member of the clergy.
- Try to exercise. Put your baby in a stroller or in your arms, and take a walk. Exercise at home while your baby sleeps. Being active can make you feel better. Exercise can give you more energy to take care of yourself and your baby.
- Take time to relax. Take a moment for yourself while your baby naps. Do something that calms you down. Take a break from your chores. Take a moment to talk to a friend, read, listen to music, just be still or enjoy a hobby.
- Don't take your stress out on your baby by yelling at her or avoiding her. Get someone to help you for a while so that you can calm down or get rest.