Saturday, July 4, 2009

Teach a Child to Take Care of His Toys

Children always anticipate playtime. It is one time of the day that children love. Playtime allows them to relax after a tiring day at school. It is a reward after doing their homework or after helping in household chores.

It is a fact that playing games and having fun improves children in many ways. It develops them physically. It gives them the chance to greatly exploit their mental prowess and imagination. Furthermore, when they play with other kids, it allows them to practice friendship, cooperation, sharing, sportsmanship, and camaraderie.

Kids and toys, of course, are important components during playtime. They always offer fun no matter if they are as simple as a ball or a stick or as complex as a remote-controlled walking robot. Each play session is an adventure for children, and they should not be deprived of that.

After playtime is over, however, children should be responsible for taking care for their toys. This is also part of play, to teach the child the responsibility of taking care of things that are his property. It will also teach them how to pick after themselves. Both disciplines should be ingrained in their minds as soon as possible.

1. Remember that you invested in a kid toys. No matter how cheap it is, it still came from your pocket, and you passed the item’s ownership to your child. Therefore, you have to make him realize that his toys are important. So you need to set an example. Take out the toys from their storage space carefully, letting your child see how you do it. Let him see how you clean it and how you handle it. Children follow their parents as examples. Just because it is a toy does not mean you can take it for granted. Explain to the child that you worked hard to buy the toy he wants, so he needs to take good care of it.

2. Toys 4 kids should be kept in their own space. Firmly tell the child to pack away his toys and place them in their proper place after he plays with it. To encourage him further to pick after himself, tell him that the storage space is a “house” for his toys, and everything inside that “house” are special and should be handled with care. Explain this to him in a simple way; simplicity allows a more favorable attitude in a child.

The storage space itself should be kept clean. Assign a cleaning schedule each week wherein the child cleans his own toy cabinet. Be ready to lend him a hand in the chore.

3. You need to give your child a warning if he plays or handles his toys roughly, even tough-looking baby toys. The problem with most parents is that they just let this go, believing that this is natural. Yes, but this should not be allowed to happen. Leaving the child to play that way instills a belief in him that rough play is all right. Remember that he has to take care of his toys.

If the child is particularly resistant, then take the toy away from him, effectively ending his playtime. Tell him that you will give back the toy if she plays nice.

4. Let him share his toys with other playmates, especially those Kids Toys. Then tell him to make sure that his playmates do not play roughly with his toys. This teaches him the value of protecting his own property.

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