Tuesday, June 23, 2009

know Your Child, Listen To Him

Parents are often heard complaining to their child, "Why don't you listen to me?" But why do parents forget that it's a vicious circle. How good you are at listening to your child will determine how well he responds when you talk.

Pay full attention : Don't be distracted by T.V. or the book you are reading. Don't just hear, but listen to him attentively to make him feel important.

Be patient : Children cannot be expected to be articulate. Give him ample time to express and help him ascertain his feelings.

Don't deny his feelings : If your child says that he is hurt after falling from the bed, don't tell him he is not. A child needs his feelings to be accepted and respected.

Sensitivity works better than logic : When a child talks about an upset, don't interrupt him with logical or philosophical explanations. Rather hug him, hold his hand and let him speak his heart out.

Listening adds confidence: Children begin to trust their feelings, believe in their perceptions when parents listen to them. This goes a long way in making a child a good conversationalist, a confident personality and the one who likes to listen to his parents.

Listening helps in understanding your child : Know your child's needs, discover his interests, help him to come out of his problems and complexes by listening to him. Listening to your child will help you to become not only a better parent but also a friend much closer to your loved one.

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