Sunday, June 7, 2009

Raising A Kid Is Not Kidding

Parenting is surely one of the most daunting tasks. You have to nurture your small baby to be a respectable citizen of tomorrow. It can be horrifying sometimes, but trust me it is one of the most wonderful experiences.
Today you have parenting training, parenting courses and parenting books available for reference, which can be of great help. Here we will discuss some of the basics required in parenting.

Communication - Communication is a must for the success of any relation and so is also necessary between parents and children. Parents should make it a point to communicate with their children regularly. Your child should feel free to come up to you and talk with you about anything and everything on their minds.

Trust – This is one of the most important factors lack of which can cause parenting problems. You should try and develop trust between you and your child. For this you should trust your child completely and then only he will trust you.

Quality Time – Spending quality time with your children is equally important. In today’s hectic lifestyle people do not get time to spend with their children and this leads to parenting problems. But for effectively raising a child you need to be around them to tell them what to do and what not to do. The more time you spend with your child the easier it will be for them to talk and relate with you and vice-a -versa.

Preach that you Practice – Parents are the first teachers, the first idols of their children and children tend to follow their parents. If they find your preaching is just wordy and you don’t practically apply it yourself they will stop doing it. So preach that you practice or practice that you preach is a success mantra for a good parent.

Punishment and Rewards – Dealing with children requires you to be practical and also spontaneous. Praise your child if he has done some good work, however small it may be. Give your child a token of appreciation for his good deeds. Take your child for a surprise picnic if he performed well in the competition he took part. Your gifts, accolades, and surprises act as a catalyst in motivating your child.

Punishments also are an integral part of parenting. I know punishing the child becomes tough for some parents, but trust me it essential for the betterment of your child. Punish your child if he disobeys.

Parenting is a tough job, but with loads of patience, lot of common sense, and practical attitude combined with oodles of love you can make parenting an easy task.

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