Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ways to answer our child curiosity about sex
You might think to delay talk about sex after the age of your child's big enough. But then, when a friend, relative, or your neighbor get pregnant and have babies, Child's curiosity led him to ask where babies come from.
The first time the question arises, perhaps you've turned her attention by saying, " Hey, look! Is that Dora the Explorer? ". However, until when you act like that? The delay will not eliminate their curiosity.
It is not enough to just answer that question, because he could kept asking, asking, and asking, in accordance with the development of the brain and the level of understanding. Sheknows give you tips on how to answer questions about the sex of your child.
Understanding questions
The first step to answer child sex question is, ensure that you understand what he asked. According to Dr. Susan Bartell, a family psychologist and author of "The Top 50 Questions Kids Ask".
Ask one or two questions before you give an answer also lets you see how much he already knew. You may be surprised to discover what he already knew from friends or relatives. This is when you fix incorrect information he had got.
Use age-appropriate language
If your child asks about where babies come from, it's time for you to answer. For starters, he might be ready to hear, "when a mother and father loved each other, they lie very close together and they make a baby," says Dr. Bartell. "If you feel compelled to explain the specific, for example, 'A mother has Miss V and the fathers have Mr.P. The father put it into Miss V's mother, and they can make a baby."
It is important for you to ensure that he should not share this information with anyone without your permission. "Be firm and strict about this," warned Dr. Bartell.
If he violates the rules, show the attitude that you do not like the fault now. In addition, "Please tell other parents what you have for your child. Let them think, that it was time the children learn about sex," he added.
Not supposed to say
Dr. Bartell asserted, do not give a clear answer, obviously fictitious, such as involving "storks", and do not say that the baby grows in the mother's abdomen and stopped there. "Your child may worry that she might become pregnant spontaneously. Explain that babies grow in a special place, which belongs only to adult women," she said.
When you talk with your child, Dr. Bartell recommended, ask lots of questions to ensure understanding. "Talk slowly, and stopped when their curiosity was satisfied. Do not tell them more than necessary at this stage of development," says Dr. Bartell. There is no reason to use the word "sex", unless he asks.
Special circumstances
If sex is the question asked by your foster child, give an honest explanation. He may be looking for extra assurance that he included in your family. Involve a large family to provide the correct information. Above all, he wanted to know that he was wanted and loved. So, make sure you tell them as often as possible.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Reward for the Child, is it necessary?
"I thank you for the toy, I was thrilled. Tomorrow I'm going to be a toy even more if I return the toy to its place. But if Mom does not give what I wanted, I'd better not have clean my toys."
It has become a habit for six-year-old child is doing something because there is a reward from his parents. Once because the mom did not want to make the child has a bad habit because it would only do something about the rewards, the child even rage, angry, and disappointed all day.
Finally his mother relented and was still giving the child something for good behavior he has done, in accordance with what he wanted. Psychologists say, that rewards or awards can be given when the child has positive behavior or achieve something that is expected.
The benefits of giving rewards to children are to teach them what a good boy and bad boy, to encourage children to repeat the good behavior, make children feel valued and rewarded. Awards can also foster self-confidence of children and the child's internal motivation, such as feeling proud of yourself and feel satisfied with the success of yourself.
However, there are several things that must be considered in the granting of rewards for children, for example, do not be so excessive as to give rewards. It is because if too much given then rewards will lose its meaning, among other rewards could be turned into a kind of wage. Therefore, in the provision of rewards, also grow a child's internal motivation so that over time dependence on rewards (external motivation) will be reduced.
For example, in addition to praise from parents, parents also can say 'well, would you also proud of yourself because you can already trying hard to get this result. giving rewards for not too much, and the rewards do not have to be good. What is important for children, instead of attention from parents.
Start from small things, such as a pat on the shoulder, smile happily from their parents, thumbs up, applause, hugs and soft kisses. Rewards should not be given too often to children, so that it can be said to provide rewards to make children a challenge.
Make it a challenge to get the rewards to be less meaningful, not too easy to get, for example, after three days of sleeping alone, the child will get her favorite sticker.
Some Psychologist also suggested to make the token system, where children have to collect a certain number of points, can be exchanged with new rewards, such as the child will get one point each time to help the mother in the kitchen. Having collected 20 points, he can trade them in time to watch TV
Also worth noting is to avoid giving rewards in the form of cash rewards. By giving money, then will make a child become misguided and mean wages.
"Giving rewards to your child can use a comparable system for each child, but can be distinguished depending rewardnya desire of each child.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Overcoming toddler's delinquency
And it is usually in the form of mischief or acts of nuisance, so usually the parent anger was hooked. When the circle of this process is always repeated, busy parents, childrenacting and parents become angry, then returned to the bustle, what a child might feel is disappointment. Not to mention the sayings pitched out of parents mouth.
For example "bad boy" or others. Speech like that, other than there's no point because it will not improve the child's behavior, also formed a negative self concept in children. There are several possible ways to overcome the child's misbehavior which repeated. By expressing compassion, for example, Toddlers always want more attention from parents.
They will be happy if parents show an expression of affection. For example, by holding, rubbing his head or just talking with gentleness. You also need to have patience with the mischievous toddler. Parent's patience is required when educating children.
Patience from parents sometimes can make a child understand that what he was doing is wrong. In contrary violence will increasingly child behaviors to resist and rebel. That is why this work need extra patience from parents.
Although toddlers do wrong, do not immediately snapped them. Because it will hurt her feelings. This can cause resentment to the child when he/she grew up. Revenge on the child will also affect the nature of her future as adults. Your baby will become irritable person and like to do violence. Be angry if the child actually has one, such as spitting on mother or father. However, before gently give advice because the child will touch the soul with gentleness.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What To Do if Pregnancy is yet to come
Sad to hear a mother can kill a child born from her womb. Meanwhile, many couples waited expectantly for baby's presence in the middle of the family.
Apart from that, you have maximize various efforts with your partner, but no positive signs from her womb. The Sun reveals what should you do and shouldn't to attempt having a sweet fruit.
What Should Be Done
Lose weight
Obesity reduces the possibility of pregnancy, both men and women. So, you have to run a weight-loss program. Moreover, with more slender body, you and your partner can better enjoy lovemaking session.
Stop smoking
Smoking habit in women lower fertility rates. Plus, if you are pregnant, these habits increase the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight babies, or babies born prematurely.
However, this situation is less clear in men. Sperm and tobacco will not mix, and not sure whether it affects fertility. You'll want to fetus in the womb to get clean air he breathes, so stop smoking.
Stay away from liquor
Drinking six times or more of alcohol a week reduces the likelihood of women to obtain positive results with pregnancy tests. Booze does not seem to affect male fertility, except if they are too drunk before having sex.
Ideally, having sex two to three times a week. Less than that, then you reduce the possibility of pregnancy. Furthermore, older age makes the sperm less active you are moving.
What Shouldn't be done
Restless waiting for pregnancy
There is no "acid test" to prove the fertility of a man and a woman. If you do not feel the signs of pregnancy after the age of marriage of one or two years, obstetricians will perform several tests to analyze whether there are health problems from you and your partner.
Frequent contact with hot engine
This problem occurs in men in which the temperature is too high in the scrotum, for example by driving a car. You are often located close to the car engine that is too hot and it can make a slow-moving sperm.
Wearing tight underwear, hot showers, or type a laptop on his lap also affect sperm quality. However, there is no evidence it affects fertility.
Complementary fertility therapies
Natural fertility treatment is better than use instant methods which are expensive, also throwing a lot of time. Use a natural way, for example, multiply the consumption of food sources containing zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Food sources are proved to improve the quality of sperm.
Using Ovulation Kit
Ovulation kits help you identify your fertility, but there is no evidence that using this tool can improve your chances of conceiving. The experts recommend regular sex throughout the cycle of fertile women as a way to maximize the chance of conception. Ovulation kits are not the natural way that only makes you both do not enjoy intercourse.
Approximately 80 percent of couples conceive successfully in the first year of marriage. For those who do not, as many as 50 percent pregnant in the second year of marriage. So, keep your spirit and efforts remain high for having a baby
Monday, April 26, 2010
Disturbances during pregnancy
But for pregnant women don't too worried. If interference does not lead to more severe abnormalities, enjoy it day after day of your pregnancy. With the power of love waiting for the baby's presence, you must be able to pass.
Various disorders during pregnancy, including the following:
Vaginal infections
During pregnancy, the vagina is more sensitive and susceptible to infection. Therefore, cleanliness of this section need to get more attention, such as cleaning water, underwear, and bathing equipment used.
As a result of increased hormone progesterone, digestive system working in the intestines slow down so that food and water is poorly absorbed. That is why many who suffer from constipation.
In addition, constipation can also be caused by the growth of the growing fetus, so pressing the intestine and rectum. If this is allowed, could cause bleeding in the anus.
In this condition, eat food or vitamins that contain iron, actually make things worse. To avoid this, you should drink lots and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods that can cause constipation, such as bananas or cheese, and try to exercise regularly.
Frequent urination
In addition due to weight gain, severe fetal growth also lead to pregnant women must urinate frequently. Therefore, the growing fetus will push the bladder.
Pregnancy can make pregnant women happy but it can also suppress their feelings. Anxiety feeling about the condition of the fetus and the various changes in the body often makes pregnant women stressful. These feelings will be stronger due to pregnancy hormones also because influence from the environment which is not conducive for pregnant women.
Although not disturb pregnant women or fetal health, this situation can not be left just like that. Because of that, try to relax, and find the source of stress to be overcome soon. Try to seek support from the surrounding environment, such as husbands, friends, and family.
Older gestational age, the more weakened connective tissue and hip joints. Enlargement of the uterus has changed the emphasis of the body so you must stand perfectly with the shoulders pulled back. As a result, waist pain. Especially when you have a couple of times pregnant. To reduce back pain, wear low-heeled shoes and improve your posture, especially the attitude of standing and sitting.
Swelling (edema), especially in the legs,usually happened to pregnant women. This is due to increased reserves in the body fluids at the end of pregnancy.
To reduce it, raise your legs with a slightly higher angle when sleeping. Although this is natural disturbance, it could not hurt to consult a doctor. You should take immediate measures if found swelling every morning because this is one of the symptoms of preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning).
Increasing heat in the stomach
Fetal growth will put pressure on the abdomen so that only a few places for food intake. In addition, due to increased hormones, digestive system work more slowly until your stomach feels hot.
To fix this, consume foods gradually and in small portions. Reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of gas (like cabbage), fat, and spicy. Then, stand for 15 minutes after your meal and the time to sit back, straighten leg angles slightly higher than the stomach.
Sleeping Trouble
When your weight increasing, you start uncomfortable to lying down. Stomach burning and thoughts about the coming of the new members also make it difficult to sleep.
To overcome this, try a warm bath before bed, drinking tea or warm milk, and calm the mind with the sound track of your favorite songs.
Notice also the comfort of the bed. Maybe now it's time to replace your mattress or foam mattress with a more healthy and comfortable. Then, start breathing and relaxation exercises. Regular exercise will also make it easier to sleep.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Overcome Bed-Wetting Habbit
OVERCOMING bed-wetting habits in children is not easy. Cooperation is needed between parents, children, and doctors. In addition, the necessary wisdom, patience, and understanding parents.
So many complaints from parents who worry about their child's bedwetting habits. Moreover, children still bed-wetting after passing the age of 6-7 years. Certainly would be a big question for parent.
What is bed-wetting? And why it happened and how to train them to stop bedwetting?
Bedwetting in a medical term is enuresis, the urine out unconsciously in his sleep at the age where child should have been able to control the desire to urinate. Sometimes the definition of incontinence is also used to describe children who failed to control expenses in the urine when they are awake.
In fact, the teenagers and parents incontinence are also common. But for children, bedwetting is often a very embarrassing thing. As for parents, this can be a frustrating experience.
More than 50 million children worldwide aged 5-15 years were still bedwetting. One in four children still bedwetting when they were 3.5 years of age. Meanwhile, at the age of five years, one in five children still bedwetting and at the age of six years of falling into one of 10 children. Usually enuresis will stop when the child reaches the age of puberty. The boy get more bedwetting than girls.
"This is a hidden problem of childhood because people tend to not talk about it outside the house, so most kids think they are the only one with problems," said pediatrician from Washington DC, United States and author of "Waking Up Dry" Dr. Howard Bennett.
In fact, state of stress can also trigger secondary bedwetting. It was formerly regarded as bedwetting habits psychological problems. However, now known that biological factors play a role bigger. Can be ascertained also, it is declining in the family.
More than 75 percent of children who have parents with bedwetting problems, also will have the same problem.
"The story about these genetic problems to the child will make her better," advises Bennett.
Bed-wetting can also be a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes or urinary tract infection, especially when there is a child who had never wet the bed. Bed-wetting is not a child's mistakes. Unfortunately, some parents still think that the bed-wetting comes from a lack of discipline, and can be cured by punishment.
What to do if the child bed-wetting, do not show resentment, anger, or even panic.
Discuss with the kids. There are many cases where children stop bed-wetting after talk of caution. Give support to children, this is the most important actions.
Never embarrass a child or other children to compare with, even if the child had not bed-wetting give him gifts of praise about his success in front of many people, so he's more motivated.
Ask your child to change the bed linens and clothes at night, when the child is already able to do it. Then, install an alarm clock that will ring 2-3 hours after the child was asleep, so he can wake up to go to the bathroom.If necessary, buy an anti bed-wetting alarm suitable for children aged five years and over.
This alarm has a moisture sensor which worn directly on the underwear. In the first drops, a buzzer buzzing, wake the child. Gradually the child learns to wake up when they feel the urge to urinate.
Which should also be noted by parents is, incontinence can be cured himself. A bed-wetting child requires patience, passion, and confidence of parents that the problem is only temporary. Usually between 7-12 years of age often cure, and only few children who continue to experience it through adolescence.
One thing interesting, breastfeeding (breast milk) can prevent ongoing incontinence in children. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies are not breastfed are more likely to bed-wetting than breast-fed babies.In addition to preventing incontinence, breast milk is also known to work to reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections and other infections that occur in infants.
Friday, April 23, 2010
6 Ways to Memorialize Your Pregnancy
While you are growing, suffering morning sickness and anxiously awaiting the new addition to the family, here are a few ways to memorialize your pregnancy; both for yourself and to pass along to the child in the future.
Write It
If you don't already, now is a great time to take up journaling. A hardback journal to write would give you the option of writing any time, while eating breakfast, in bed, or in a waiting room. Picking out the book could be a special in itself, as you will be picking something that touches you. If your penmenship is not something you particularly want to share, journaling online offers a wide variety of options. Generally called "blogging", a web log has been a popular method of writing thoughts, opinions and sharing knowledge with others. There are many blog communities, each offering different perks. Some provide private post options, so your posts are viewable to the general public, only to those you allow. Some allow categories, giving you the option of writing about things other than just your pregnancy. Others still, are aimed just at moms or pregnant moms. Take a look around and find one that has a good feel for you.
Pregnant Belly, Say Cheese
Take monthy pregnant belly pictures. Start at the beginning, or as soon as you are able. There may not be much of a baby belly at 8 weeks along, but when you have a whole pregnancy worth of belly shots, you'll have fun looking at where you started and where you ended!
Some tips for taking monthy belly pictures: Be consistent. Stand the same way, by the same wall or door (or similar). Wear similar clothing (like a pair of sweatpants that you can wear almost throughout). Show bare belly, or wear a shirt - or do one of each every time. The more consistent you are, the more obvious the pregnancy changes when looking back.
Studio Pictures
You've got the digital camera taking your own pregnant belly pictures, but a professional photogragher will make some beautiful pictures for your baby belly book. Consider including siblings, if any, your partner, and take pregnancy pictures that aren't so "traditional". Strip down and wrap up in white robe, or guaze - with a dark background, this is beautiful. Siblings touching or kissing baby belly makes for a touching moment. And your partners hands on your belly, speak love. Of course, studio pictures are best towards the end of pregnancy, but don't wait too long either!
Some studios specialize in pregnancy and newborn pictures - check your phone book or ask around.
Belly Cast It
Belly Cast, or Belly Mask, has become a popular method of preserving pregnant bellies. Belly Cast kits are inexpensive and easy to find, particularly online. They are easy to do, but don't try to do a belly cast yourself! You will definitely need another set of hand and sometimes an extra set is helpful. No baby belly inhibitions? Make a party of it! Invite your girlfriends over for some messy fun. In the end, you have a plaster cast of your belly to decorate, hang on the wall or sit on a shelf.
Decorated Belly
Women are becoming more willing to bare their pregnant bellies. Decorating your baby belly is a fun way to show it off. Wear it around the house, or out in public. Make a party of it, or do it yourself. But don't forget to take pictures!
Semi-permanant belly decoration - Henna is a type of skin dye that will essentially "stain" the skin, essentially, a non-permanant tattoo. Women have been using henna for years and years. Henna kits are widely available. A simple design or something elaborate - it's all up to you! Do be careful in the sun with a henna'd baby belly. Your skin may tan and when the henna wears off in a week or more, you may end up with a reversed belly tattoo.
Paint it and wash it - Skin safe paints are a great just for fun project to do with siblings. Get into some comfy clothes, get a glass of water, juice or your pregnancy tea and sit back. Let the kids paint. Don't forget to Take Pictures!
Belly Pillow
Whew! The pregnancy is over, or close to it. Grab your favorite maternity top, your sewing machine and some good stuffing. Sew that shirt into a pillow; square, round, or just sew up all the openings and leave it full size! This is a great momento to pass along to the baby. Do it for each pregnancy and each child will have their very own "moms favorite maternity shirt pillow".
Regardless of how much you do to memorialize your pregnancy, enjoy as much of it as you are able to. Those nine months, though they seem long while you are counting the days, when looking back, it's just a snippet in time.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Infant Brain Stimulation
How effective way to stimulate the baby? Here is tip for you:
Breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. Give breast milk until at least age 6 months. Do not forget to do immunizations.
The simplest stimulation but most useful for brain stimulation is love and warmth. This can be done by hugging and touching. Sing or talk to your baby while bathing him, put clothes, feeding, playing, and when driving.
Understand the psychological condition. Recognize when he is sad and happy. When he was sad and angry try to please him. Babies usually do not like to be disappointed.
Recommend colored objects in various shapes, sizes, types and textures of things different. Let him feel and play with the object. Also show him family photos and books for children.
Even though your child is not understood, but get used to reading stories to him. Select a picture-book colors. In addition to listening, little can also see the pictures.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
How To Overcome Bed-Wetting Habbit
So many complaints from parents who worry about their child's bedwetting habits. Moreover, children still bed-wetting after passing the age of 6-7 years. Certainly would be a big question for parent.
What is bed-wetting? And why it happened and how to train them to stop bedwetting?
Bedwetting in a medical term is enuresis, the urine out unconsciously in his sleep at the age where child should have been able to control the desire to urinate. Sometimes the definition of incontinence is also used to describe children who failed to control expenses in the urine when they are awake.
In fact, the teenagers and parents incontinence are also common. But for children, bedwetting is often a very embarrassing thing. As for parents, this can be a frustrating experience.
More than 50 million children worldwide aged 5-15 years were still bedwetting. One in four children still bedwetting when they were 3.5 years of age. Meanwhile, at the age of five years, one in five children still bedwetting and at the age of six years of falling into one of 10 children. Usually enuresis will stop when the child reaches the age of puberty. The boy get more bedwetting than girls.
"This is a hidden problem of childhood because people tend to not talk about it outside the house, so most kids think they are the only one with problems," said pediatrician from Washington DC, United States and author of "Waking Up Dry" Dr. Howard Bennett.
In fact, state of stress can also trigger secondary bedwetting. It was formerly regarded as bedwetting habits psychological problems. However, now known that biological factors play a role bigger. Can be ascertained also, it is declining in the family.
More than 75 percent of children who have parents with bedwetting problems, also will have the same problem.
"The story about these genetic problems to the child will make her better," advises Bennett.
Bed-wetting can also be a symptom of a serious illness such as diabetes or urinary tract infection, especially when there is a child who had never wet the bed. Bed-wetting is not a child's mistakes. Unfortunately, some parents still think that the bed-wetting comes from a lack of discipline, and can be cured by punishment.
What to do if the child bed-wetting, do not show resentment, anger, or even panic.
Discuss with the kids. There are many cases where children stop bed-wetting after talk of caution. Give support to children, this is the most important actions.
Never embarrass a child or other children to compare with, even if the child had not bed-wetting give him gifts of praise about his success in front of many people, so he's more motivated.
Ask your child to change the bed linens and clothes at night, when the child is already able to do it. Then, install an alarm clock that will ring 2-3 hours after the child was asleep, so he can wake up to go to the bathroom.If necessary, buy an anti bed-wetting alarm suitable for children aged five years and over.
This alarm has a moisture sensor which worn directly on the underwear. In the first drops, a buzzer buzzing, wake the child. Gradually the child learns to wake up when they feel the urge to urinate.
Which should also be noted by parents is, incontinence can be cured himself. A bed-wetting child requires patience, passion, and confidence of parents that the problem is only temporary. Usually between 7-12 years of age often cure, and only few children who continue to experience it through adolescence.
One thing interesting, breastfeeding (breast milk) can prevent ongoing incontinence in children. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics states that babies are not breastfed are more likely to bed-wetting than breast-fed babies.In addition to preventing incontinence, breast milk is also known to work to reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, ear infections and other infections that occur in infants.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
6 Traveling Tips While You Pregnant
The best time for air travel when you're pregnant tends to be during the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower and most nausea has subsided. Many women do not feel as tired as they did in their first trimester, and they have more stamina during this period of their pregnancy.
Know the Guidelines
Most airlines will not permit pregnant women to travel beyond their 36th week. If you are showing, carry a note from your medical professional stating how far along you are. Cruise ships have individual requirements for how late into a pregnancy a passenger can sail, so check with your cruise line before you make plans. A road trip is safe most any time, but the further along you get, the more uncomfortable a long car ride will be. Plus, if you travel out of state, your insurance company may not cover your baby's birth if you deliver in an out-of-network hospital. Check your insurance's out-of-network policy if you are close to your due date.
Get Comfortable
Select a seat that's on an aisle and close to the front of the plane. Negotiating the narrow aisle to the back of the plane can be challenging, and a seat near the front will make boarding and disembarking easier. It will also allow you easier access to the restroom. Avoid standing in line for prolonged periods of time by checking in online before you even leave the house. When you take a road trip, make frequent stops to use the restroom. During long trips, prop a small pillow behind your back and wear loose clothing.
Stay Healthy and Hydrated
Bring plenty of healthy snack options. Most of the meals served on flights have an incredibly high salt content. If you are already prone to bloating, this can make you even more uncomfortable. Hydrate yourself frequently, and do your best to get up and move around every so often.
Relax and Enjoy the Ride
Pregnancy is an incredible time, and unless your doctor advises against traveling, there should be no reason for you not to venture out and enjoy yourself.
Extra Precautions
Carrying multiples? Most doctors don’t advise air travel beyond 32 weeks for twins, 20 weeks for triplets. If you’re traveling internationally, even for a single-fetus pregnancy, airline restrictions are tighter than for domestic flights; it’s ill-advised to head overseas after your 32nd week. With any lengthy trip, be sure to take short walks every hour or so. At the very least, do your best to flex your calf muscles up and down often to reduce the risk of deep-vein blood clots, known as DVT.
Friday, March 5, 2010
How To Treat Baby's Diarrhea
There are also special fluids designed to replace water and salts lost during your baby's diarrhea. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, these fluids are very useful in home management of mild to fairly severe illnesses.
However, you should not prepare these fluids by yourself because you may make bad liquids for you baby, which of course can worsen her condition. You can easily get the fluids in nearby pharmacies.
When should you take your baby to a doctor?
You should take her see a doctor if these conditions below occur:
- You find blood in your baby's feces. This can be a sign of bacterial infection.
- There are changes in your baby's behavior, like she cries most of the time and you can't calm her down or she refuses to eat and drink.
- Your baby has a high fever, which is above 39°C.
Nonetheless, no need to be worried if:
- your baby acts normally as usual.
- your baby has no fever.
- your baby still wants to eat.
Generally, diarrhea recovers by itself without medicine. You just need to be patient and not to worry too much. Always observe your baby's condition and examine whether her feces get solid or not and whether there's blood in them.
The key is to keep give her as much fluid as you can. If she refuses, try to give the drink in small amount but do it frequently. By Adwina Jackson
5 Tips On Looking After Newborn Babies
1. Make sure that you feed your baby right. Deciding on whether you should breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby greatly depends on your personal decision and what your physician recommends. However, it has been shown that breastfeeding is still the best way to nourish newborn babies. Lots of benefits can be obtained through breastfeeding. Some medical studies have determined that breastfed infants have less hypersensitivity later in life compared with those who were raised with bottle feeding. This is mainly because the mother’s milk is known to contain natural enzymes and antibodies that can help fortify the baby’s immunity against infirmities. Aside from this, some doctors also believed that breast milk is responsible for superior intellect as he/she grows and becomes fully developed.
2. Practical sleep aid tips for infants. Sleep is crucial for babies because it has a direct effect on the child’s mental and physical growth. Newborn babies sleep for up to 17 and 18 hours a day. Parents should understand that babies sleep cycle could be pretty erratic. You may notice for a few weeks, your baby’s sleep may only last from approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours, and this can vary throughout a 24 period. But by the sixth week, you should see some signs of improvement as your baby’s sleep pattern becomes more structured. Newborns show signs of sleepiness by crying or rubbing their eyes. Newborns should be put down to sleep as soon as they feel sleepy. If you are not getting much sleep at night it may be a good idea to sleep when your baby does during the day if possible.
3. The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.
4. Maintaining your baby’s optimal skin care. Newborn babies have smooth and delicate skin. For this reason, it is necessary that you use products that are especially made for babies. But before buying any baby product, it is best to consult your pediatrician. Most babies develop rashes from time to time and this is perfectly normal. However, if your baby seems irritated by a rash or has a fever, you should immediately seek advice from your baby’s doctor.
5. When to give the baby medicine. Like anyone else, newborn babies sometimes have special needs that require attention. When giving your baby medicine, it is important that you follow the advice of your baby’s physician. You need to know how to give the right dose prescribed by the doctor. It can sometimes be advised to start the baby with a small dose to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication.
The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not meant in any way to replace advice given by healthcare professionals. By Alison Palmer
Your Baby's Crying - What To Do
The best place to start is the layer. If it is wet or dirty, then the baby will be uncomfortable and start crying. If the layers to change, then change it. In most cases, that will solve the problem. Some babies do not have changed their diapers, and often even cry. Mainly it is because they do not like the feeling of being discovered. Thus, the diaper change as quickly and smoothly as possible, to minimize distress. Then cover the baby with a blanket or clothing, so that the baby feels comfortable again.
Babies also be hot. However, it is also possible to overdress a baby, so reasonable about this. When verifying the child, the search for very red skin, to see if the baby is sweating. Each of these signs suggest that the baby is almost certainly too hot. A good rule to dress your baby is one layer more than you wear. If the baby is too hot or cold, then adjust clothing and blankets as a function of temperature.
Then, your child is hungry? Is it that since the last food? What the baby may feed a little less than normal at the last feeding, and thus perhaps hunger fast this time? Try nursing or offering a bottle. Babies need to eat often because they are increasingly so quickly. Often, the action of sucking helps to soothe the baby, even if they are not very hungry. Babies are very good to know when they are tired, and stops. So do not worry too much boost. The baby stopped crying once he was not hungry any more.
After feeding, many babies develop gas. The digestive system of the baby is just developing, and eating is a whole new experience. Sometimes crying means the baby has gas rumbling around in the belly and needs to be burped. Place a cloth over your shoulder and keep the baby against your shoulder so that his stomach is against the front of your shoulder. Make sure the head is forward, or support the head if you can. Rub his back firmly in a circular motion. This puts pressure on the digestive system front and rear, and often rot. Some tapping May also help, but be very careful if you decide to do this - babies are very delicate.
May you find that just taking a walk with the baby on the shoulder of your help. Babies seem to like movement, probably because they are used to being bounced around the uterus. But, who is standing next to a parent is very soothing to a baby. Babies enjoy being held and cuddled - despite some suggestions to the contrary, you can not hold your baby too.
Some babies also, it is very soothing to be swaddled in a small blanket. Langes in total around the baby quite well. The arms are close to the child. In some ways, this feels a bit like the womb to the baby because they were included there too. Sometimes the sudden experience of being able to move around can distress a child. Your healthcare professional should be able to teach children effectively Swaddle. It is important to ensure, however, that the head and neck remain uncovered.
Once you have gone through the list above - check the layers, check the temperature of the baby, try a food or a rot, Swaddle and baby - and the baby still cries, trying to keep the baby nearby and a rhythmic "Shhhh" sound near the baby's ear. If it sounds a bit like a wave on the beach, great. This is the kind of sounds heard the baby in the womb, and it is often very reassuring and soothing. Some babies are very sensitive to noise, and the average home produces a lot of noise! You can even try listening to the radio station, so you can hear is "white noise".
Over time, you find that you begin to recognize the difference between your baby cries, and probably not need to go right through the checklist every time baby cries. However, if at any time you think your baby is sick or in pain in May, or if he is still crying even after checking all these things, it is always best to consult your health care professional just to make sure everything goes well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Four Steps to Handle Kids Bad Behavior by Laura Kaine
The cause why this article is not about "dealing with bad kids" is merely because bad kids do not exist! The issue is their behavior, the one dads and moms develop without being aware of it, the one they must improve. I have to underline that because dads and moms nearly always believe they just have to say "no" to make kids bad behavior stop. Kids have to understand things before doing a change in how they react. The first thing they have got to understand is that their parents' love for them is unconditional and that it's their bad behavior this is punished.Kids bad behavior has for main cause their dads and moms behavior. It's not simple to accept, I understand that, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it. You are not born moms and dads and you are doing your best with what you know. You must acquire way more communication tools. If you feel ready to do something about your kid's bad behavior, making use of the following 4 steps will be effective:
1.Be the grownup you would like your little one to become. Watch your words and reactions, keep your promises. Don't ignore the tiny things you tell your child. He probably takes really seriously what you say. You're an example, the image of the adult world for your kid, you are a reference. Always bear that in mind. Without rules, your kid can not figure out what's wrong and what's right. When dealing with kids bad behavior, we can't blame the young children. It would be unfair and pretty unnecessary.
2.When you say "no", don't expect a change in your child's behaviour but rather clarify what you say no to. You can and must have a firm tone of voice to be listened to but keep your voice down.
3.Go over that issue with your little one before the bad behavior occurs. It is always better to prevent such behavior to happen than having to make it stop. When you go out somewhere with your child, just before leaving the house, tell him how you expect him to behave. To help your kid rethink his behaviour and change it, talk about the consequences of each behavior when your kid is quiet and willing to listen to you.
4.Justify your role and the reason why you are the one who settles the principles. Mainly because you're the parent, you know what's good for your kid and you love him. Discuss the rules with him to help him understand and accept them. Kids bad behavior is quite often the result of a misunderstanding of the boundaries and punishments by the little ones. They just find it unfair. You have to make really clear to your little one the consequences of his behaviour.
If you're consistent and patient and try not to loose your temper, applying those advices will be effective. If your kid's bad behavior is strongly anchored and that the situation really is out of your control, implementing a parenting method could be your best option. It'll give you a parenting guideline, easy-to-apply method and support. Kids bad behavior can be overcame with the right communication tools. It's not a fatality.
5 Key Advices for a Desperate Mother
I do know that we can lose our peace of mind when we're a mom. At some point, we just feel and know that things aren't anymore under our control. Maybe you understand what went wrong, perhaps you don't even recall the way that happened, how this routine made of tantrums and screams settled into your life. I think that the instant we are tempted to google "desperate mother", is when we feel like we have tried all kinds of things and that we're powerless and tired and maybe worried we might not love our child enough. It's a shocking thought, but it can happen too, it is a reality.
What I want you to do, dear desperate mother, is to look at things in perspective, take some time to think and understand that your child is a child, that he will not adapt himself to you if you do not change your own behavior, reactions, words. What you need is good communication skills, know which errors you make and what you can do to improve things. Being a desperate mother isn't a fatality because there's always a solution.
Here are my 5 crucial advices:
1 - Don't ever give in. Your child thinks in a simple way. When he gets what he wants by yelling or insisting, he'll keep acting the same way. When he realizes you don't give in, never change your mind when you make up your mind, he will have to accept it because then he will know that tantrums are useless.
2 - Speak with your child. Take that time. Value what he does, what he tells you, don't make him have to grab your attention by being annoying. Make clear to him what you do, what you feel, where you are taking him, how you expect him to behave. Talk to him about his bad behaviour during quiet moments, don't wait until the tantrum occurs to clarify that it's a bad attitude. Express compassion, even when you don't give in, tell him you understand his frustration or anger.
3 - Don't spank, stop yelling. Stay calm and always keep your voice down. Yes, as a desperate mother, it seems impossible and you are half-right, it can be pretty complicated but it's a essential advice I'm giving you here! The way your child reacts means that it's a way of expression he has chosen probably because you did not give or express any alternative. When you are mad at someone and begin quarrelling and that person remains very calm and talks in a quiet voice, what do you do? You calm down. When your kid screams, make sure he understands he has other alternatives, that he can express his emotions with words just like you. Same thing when he hits you or bites.
4 - Don't ever label your kid as a liar, a cheater, a bad child... You don't accept his behavior but you love him and you believe he can act differently. Make this clear or he may believe in that label and act on it for the rest of his life, just like the label "desperate mother" isn't going to help you understand and modify the situation.
5 - Be coherent and persistent. Reward a good behavior, clarify what is wrong and right. Make your child choose a good behaviour by showing him what it can bring to him, the trust you can put in him, the things you can share.
Were you expecting something more simple? Come on, parenting is not simple but with the proper communication tools, you can modify the situation, have your peace of mind back and your personnal life, have youngsters you can count on and trust. It is at your reach. You can go from a desperate mother to a glad one. A great number of dads and moms experienced that. I did. Good luck ! By Laura Kaine
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Can Children Be Spoilt With Too Much Love?
Many parents worry about spoiling their children and easily fall prey to flawed advice. Instead of heeding their own instincts to pick up their babies when they cry, they try to ignore their babies' needs. Such practices not only damage the relationship between parent and child, but it has a detrimental effect upon the baby's development.
The First Fallacy - Babies Should Not Be Carried Too Often
Firstly, babies need to be carried as much as possible. They need to be touched and held. This need is as important to their growth and development as food, water, a clean diaper and sunlight. This need was evidenced at the end of the Second World War when many infants were left parentless. In order to determine what were the best methods for taking care of orphaned babies, a Swiss doctor traveled around Europe studying the different environments that these babies were raised.
In some parts, he saw babies being cared for in American field hospitals with their pristine conditions. Nurses attended to the babies' basic needs by the clock - they were fed special infant formula and returned immediately after to their stainless steel cots. In other parts, babies were deposited at remote mountain villages where they were cared for in the arms of the village women, surrounded by other children and animals. They drank goat's milk and ate from the communal stock pot. These infants lived in conditions that could hardly have been considered hygienic. Yet the results of the study were surprising - it was found that the children who lived in the villages thrived better than those raised in the scientifically-managed hospitals.
It was concluded that:
* infants need frequent skin-to-skin contact from two or three significant people
* infants need movement of a fairly robust kind, e.g. being carried around, bouncing on a knee, etc.
* infants need eye-contact, smiling, colourful and lively environment, and sounds, such as singing, talking, etc.
Far from needing to be carried less, we should be carrying our babies more!
The Second Fallacy - Crying Babies Are Manipulating Us
Babies cry to communicate their needs to their parents. Without the ability to cry, they lose their ability to articulate their needs. Parents who deliberately ignore a baby's cries are unwittingly teaching their baby that their needs are not important. It creates distrust and gives a child a bleak outlook on life - that no on can be relied upon, not even parents.
One common reason why parents might allow their babies to "cry-it-out" is when they are attempting to "train" their baby to sleep alone. It is common for babies to fight their parents' desire for them to sleep alone. Babies aren't aware of the world the way we are. They are primitive beings with a strong instinct for survival. In the wild, infants who lost their parents are eaten by predators, therefore the instinct to be close to a parent or bigger person is a very normal one.
Babies don't know that they are safe in their cribs and that their parents are just in the next room, so they cry. They aren't trying to manipulate their parents. They are articulating a real need that parents should fulfill.
Changing Relationship as Children Grow Older
Even as babies grow older, they still require the attention, love and physical closeness of their parents. Providing these does not spoil them or make them clingy, dependent children. On the contrary, a strong and secure relationship between parent and child serves to help children become more independent as they grow older. They are less afraid to take steps on their own because they are secure in the knowledge that they have a safe place to return to.
You cannot spoil a child with love, touch and tending to their calls for help. Such responsiveness is imperative to a child's healthy development, however, the manner in which you respond may change as a child grows older and begins to test boundaries - such as crying as a means to get their way. How you respond to a child should be age-appropriate with the understanding of how a child feels. Remember that the process of growing up provides children with lots of challenges and it is important listen openly and to be able to see their situation from their perspective.
As your child grows older and his or her personality begins to develop, you may also find that different approaches work with different children. While there is a need to take into consideration individual differences, it is important to realize that children need appropriate limits that must be adhered to. Such limits provide a sense of safety and security for your child. Remember, it is your duty to set the limits and your child's to test them. By being firm and consistent, yet kind as you enforce the rules, you are teaching your child how to become a responsible member of society. You are also creating a secure environment for your child to grow up in.
Tips For Getting Started With Breastfeeding
As your baby grows, your breast milk will change to suit whichever stage of development your baby is at. Your breast milk is tailored for your baby and your baby alone - no formula can boast such claims. Aside from the brain building, infection fighting benefits of breast milk, breastfeeding also helps to nurture a special bond between you and your baby. The skin-to-skin contact, cuddling and holding involved during breastfeeding is an important part of a baby's development that is not only beneficial to baby but to you as well.
Okay, so we know that breastfeeding is beneficial to you and your baby, but how does one get started?
Ideally, you should begin breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible after delivery. Let your doctor know about your decision to breastfeed your baby and ample opportunity can be arranged for you to nurse your baby while you are still in the delivery room. This first nursing session is one of the most important sessions because a baby's root reflex (the urge to suckle) is strongest right at birth and begins to diminish the longer you wait.
At this stage, your breasts are producing a substance known as colostrum that contains important antibodies that help protect your baby from infections and to line your baby's intestines to prepare them to receive full milk. Colostrum will continue to be produced for the first 3-5 days after delivery before the breast begins to produce mature milk.
Breastfeeding for the first time can be quite a challenge and it is important to get as much support as possible. If you aren't sure how to go about it, get help from the hospital's lactation consultant, or a good friend or family member who has breastfed a baby before. Having the right support can sometimes make the different between mothers who persist with breastfeeding and those that eventually give up. Remember that breastfeeding is an art that will require a lot of patience and practice.
If your baby has trouble finding or staying on your nipple, don't panic. Remember that there are two inexperienced individuals in the picture - you and your baby - and you both need time to adjust to one another and develop a nursing relationship. It is important to learn how to get a correct latch, position yourself comfortably and to break the suction when you need to. Make sure you have learned these three things before you leave the hospital.
A proper latch at the start should not be painful. However, nursing during the early days can cause your nipples to feel raw. This sensitivity will eventually subside - but be prepared for it to last a couple of weeks. Applying a barrier cream like Bepanthen after each nursing can help to lessen the sensitivity. Because of this initial tenderness, it can be difficult to tell if the pain is from an improper latch. If you aren't sure, check with the lactation consultant. With a proper latch, the baby's mouth should cover most of the areola (the darkened skin).
If your baby hasn't gotten a proper latch, break the suction and start again. It is important to ensure that your baby learns how to latch properly and not to continue nursing if your baby has latched on poorly. If allowed to continue, your baby will develop a bad habit of latching on poorly which is not only painful for you in the long run but makes feeding time more inefficient for your baby.
During the first few days, you should nurse frequently because the more often you nurse, the more quickly your mature milk will come in and the more milk you will produce. A good practice to adopt is to breastfeed for 10-15 minutes per breast at least 8 - 10 times a day. If for, any reason, you are not able to nurse your baby, you can help encourage your breasts to produce more milk by applying a breast pump to it. One recommendation is to use an electric pump on the lowest setting for as long as you would otherwise nurse your baby.
Crying during the early days is often a sign of hunger and it is important to feed your baby before he or she starts crying. Sometimes this may mean waking up your baby to begin breastfeeding. You may also find that your baby falls asleep easily during feeding. Jaundiced babies, especially, tend to be very lethargic and often don't wake up for feeds. They especially need to be woken up to feed because breast milk helps them to excrete bilirubin (which is the breakdown product of red blood cells that causes jaundice). A good guide to follow is to wake your baby up if it has been four hours since the last feed.By Shen Li Lee
Monday, February 22, 2010
Six 'Hows' of Choosing Good Books For Your Children to Read
How it looks
When choosing books for your students or children to read, one of the first and most important things you should consider is if the appearance of the book is attractive to children. The child will see the cover of the book first, so don't choose something that looks boring. This will immediately lose their interest, especially for those who do not particularly enjoy reading anyway. Ideally, the book's cover should be colorful and give some idea of what the book is about. If you can capture the child's interest as soon as they first set eyes on the book, then half the battle is won.
How long it is
Another important factor to take into account is the length of the book. The more accomplished readers will have finished reading, when the rest of the children are still in the middle of it if the book is too short. If a book is too long, this can discourage children as soon as they see it. For children of ten and under, a book should take no longer than three to five days, and no more than eight to ten days for older children.
How many illustrations
Illustrations are very important to stimulate a child's imagination. They provide a break between all those words, so that it doesn't get monotonous. In fact, most children tend to look through the illustrations before they even begin reading the book. Good illustrations or photographs can capture a child's interest, and often encourage them to want to read the book in order to understand what the interesting pictures are about. A drawing or photograph can also maintain a reader's interest.
How big the words
Check that the font size and style of the book is suitable for young eyes. Younger children can find it difficult to focus on small type and tightly spaced sentences. For readers under the age of eight, it is easier for them if the type is larger than normal, and for those under the age of seven double-spaced sentences are best.
How it connects
Choosing a book that is part of a series can be a good idea to keep the children interested. That way, the children can get to know a character, and follow their adventures through a series of books. Reading books that are part of a series also makes a child eager to get to the next adventure, wanting to know what happens next, and can make them realize how enjoyable reading can be.
How interesting
Finally, choose an interesting subject. A good idea would be to discuss with the children what types of books they think that they might enjoy. Present some ideas to them, and then choose one that most have agreed on. You can always reserve the remaining subjects for another time. By Kenneth Dickson
Parents Play The Most Central, Yet Vulnerable Roles In Children's Music Education
To best understand how the young musician will regard music lessons, we must ask: “How should parents plan for the musical education of their children and what they know about it?”
As a rule, there are two main things to consider: the choice and cost of the instrument, auxiliary materials and lessons; and the search for a good teacher. After that, the preparation for the child’s musical training is largely complete. However, buying the instrument and paying for lessons are not the most complex part of music education, although many parents think so and believe that the rest is up to the teacher and the child, who is obliged to frequent music lessons on a regular basis and do the homework. In fact, to parents, it all seems very easy! “Did you do your homework today? Have you practiced that piece enough? Have you learned the fingers in an etude? Come on, play the piece you had to memorize!”
Here’s the simple truth: The reasons behind one’s success in music education as well as the loss of interest creep in absolutely imperceptibly, and often during quite a long period of time.
First, then, let’s discuss what happens when a child loses interest.
Again, parents are the most integral and important parts of the equation when it comes to their children’s success or loss of interest in musical education. When a child gets bored with his or her lessons, the parents, who by that point are exhausted by battles with the child to practice and often feel financially pinched from the costs of the instrument and the lessons, must then face the difficult decision of whether to terminate the lessons.
While preparing the materials for my book, Voices of our Children, I talked to parents and teachers and asked them what they considered to be the prime reason behind the child’s loss of interest. Can you guess who a whopping 80 percent considered to be at fault? The child! It was he/she who did not want to continue the education!
What’s more important is that after terminating the lessons, very few parents asked themselves why their child lost interest. Let’s look the perspective of each participant in this scenario:
The child. He is happy! His “tortures” have finally ended. He no longer has to hear unpleasant things about his careless attitude toward music lessons. No one will ever force him to learn music against his will! Now he is free from tiresome lessons and can spend time doing things he likes!
The teacher. Not every teacher, especially not those who often lose students, will search for the real reasons behind a child’s loss of interest in music lessons. It is easier for some teachers to accuse or blame the student than to admit to their own mistakes.
In this case, what does the teacher do? He quickly forgets about former students and places an ad to get new ones – he has to earn a living. It’s just a job.
Parents. Believe it or not, but I think that when the child quits musical training, the parents suffer the most – not only because they have invested in this venture materially, but because along with the termination of music education they must part with their own dreams, hopes, and an opportunity to discover and develop their child’s true talent that might not have been obvious.
Now, when the child quits music lessons, he can quickly redirect his attention to new interests. The teacher, who has lost the student, can compensate for his loss by finding a replacement. But the parents do suffer the most – they cannot “move on” – they cannot replace own child with another!
Therefore, to avoid this problem before it hits home, I strongly believe parents should prepare for their children’s music education ahead of time. They should know beforehand what awaits them in the future, and should be ready for possible hardships.By Tatiana Bandurina
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Six Tips To Help Your Overweight Children Lose Weight
It can certainly be a challenge for parents to provide children with opportunities to lead a healthy lifestyle. You never know what they could be stuffing down their mouths in the school cafeteria or at their friend' house. That is why it is so important to teach proper nutrition in the home. They will not learn about it in school, not even in health class. The more you practice good health at home, the better choices they will make out in the world.
Here are a few weight loss tips to get your children started on the road to good health.
Children Lose Weight Tips #1: Be The Example Yourself
If you are overweight or obese yourself, you are setting a bad example for your children. Be a responsible parent and go on a diet. Yes, YOU! Children often mimic what their parents do, and if you are fat, they will think it is OK to be fat. It is a rare occasion that I see fat children with skinny parents, and vice versa. How often do you see fat kinds with skinny parents, or skinny kids with fat parents? Not too common.
Children Lose Weight Tips #2: Pack Their Lunch For Them
Do not hand over a five dollar bill for your child to purchase a lunch themselves just because you are lazy in the morning. Nine times out of ten they will spend it on junk food because you are not there to tell them no. If you want your children to eat properly, do the most you can. Pack their lunch so they are forced to eat it. If that is all they have, they will suffer through it and come out better in the end.
Children Lose Weight Tips #3: Think Ahead
Kinds want to grow up fast but they do not think of the consequences once getting there without planning. Studies show that if a child remains obese by the age of 10-14, they have nearly an 80% chance of remaining at a dangerously heavy weight through adulthood. Let them know that, especially if it scares you (which it should!). A childs weight is the most important predictor of whether or not the child will become an obese adult. Nearly 65% of obese adolescents will still be obese as adults, even if neither parent is obese.
Children Lose Weight Tips #4: Eat Together
When I was a child, it was a rare occasion that my family ate dinner in separate rooms. Do not let your child heat up a burrito and slam it down in their room in front of their computer or television. It is important to monitor their eating and make sure they are paying attention to the luxury of having dinner, especially if they are trying to lose weight. Eating together as a family is an activity that will help everyone follow a healthier lifestyle.
Children Lose Weight Tips #5: Fix Them A Healthy Breakfast
You know this is the most important meal of the day, so handing over a sugary pop-tart to your child on their way out of the house is extremely counter-productive. And do not even think about stopping off at Starbucks and buying them a fatty latte either. A healthy breakfast at home does not have to be time consuming. I make a soy based protein smoothy every morning that provides me with the best nutrition possible. It takes me literally 2 minutes to make it in the blender.
Children Lose Weight Tips #6: Introduce Healthy Snacking
Children are quite active with school, sports and other extra-curricular activities. It makes sense that they need a boost of energy in between meals. Stock your cupboards and refrigerator with healthy snacks instead of processed trigger foods. Cut fruits and vegetables so they can grab them just as they would a candy bar. Protein bars and soy nuts are a great alternative to cookies and chips. Premix flavored water with green tea to give them natural energy boosts instead of providing high sugar soda and sports drinks they are not healthy.
Helping a child to develop lifelong healthy habits can be rewarding in so many ways. Introducing healthy alternatives into your child's diet is not rocket science. Try the Children Lose Weight tips listed above to prevent resistance to healthier eating. As a parent, you are responsible for what, when and where your children eat. It is up to you to help your children adopt a healthy lifestyle.By William Winch
Is It Safe to Continue Breastfeeding While Nipples are Sore?
Nipples that have the feeling of swelling, painful, hard, and feverish are what lactating mothers complain most of the time when breastfeeding. Sore nipples should not stop you from giving the best nutrition to your baby, and that is your breast milk. What you should do is to look for ways that will help you solve your problems regarding sore nipples and continue the breastfeeding.
It is always safe to continue breastfeeding even while the nipples are sore. Just make sure that the treatments you are using for your sore nipples are safe and not harmful for you and your baby.
There are different ways on how you can treat your sore nipples while you safely continue breastfeeding the baby. Herbal medicines, for one instance, are effective yet safe. These herbs are proven to not only treat sore nipples, but also help in producing smooth and continuous flow of breast milk. Soaking the nipples on warm water with basil leaves or teabags will stimulate fast healing, but make sure to wash the breast, especially the nipples before breastfeeding.
Another treatment for sore nipples is the use of creams. Lanolin (100 cotton and always choose the ones that are not too tight because tight bras will make your milk duct clogged.
If your nipples are sore and painful due to breastfeeding, never opt to stop or discontinue breastfeeding for a while because it will only worsen the problem and cause you even greater pains later on. Just choose the right remedies to relieve the sore and pains of your nipples and then allow your baby to latch on for the baby’s better physical and psychological development. By James Smith
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tips for Buying Gifts for a Baby Boy
One of the easiest things to do is ask the parents what the baby boy needs. Sometimes there are certain clothing items that individuals are lacking and may want to be given. Most baby boys can always use loungewear and other things that they can be comfortable in. Most babies spend the majority of their first months simply lying around and they go from one lounging outfit to another. Some baby boys may not go out of the house for a month or more when they are first born and while they are in the hospital their parents generally keep them in comfortable lounging clothes. Babies are known to spit up and basically mess up their clothes so some baby boys might go through several lounging outfits in one day. Lounging outfits also come in a variety of colors and styles so it is easy to get something that looks good.
It might also be a good idea to think about the parents likes and dislikes when buying items for their baby. Some parents dress up all the time or like to be business casual wherever they go so it might be a good idea to get some casual outfits for the baby boy. Button down shirts or polos would be a good idea and would make the little man just as sophisticated as his parents. On the other hand some parents might be more daring when it comes to fashion and like funky looking t-shirts and like to stay up on the latest fashion trends. It might be a good idea to buy their baby boy t-shirts and lots of stylish accessories that really stand out.
It might also be a nice gesture to buy toys or furniture for a baby boy. Toys that make noise or are helpful for keeping small children entertained will probably go over well with the baby and his parents. Most children enjoy music so items that make music will probably go over well. The items purchased do not have to be extremely expensive since baby boys grow so fast but they should be of nice quality to ensure they will hold up to the multiple washings and other abuse that is likely to occur.
When picking out gifts for any baby boy it is best to think of practical gifts that the parents as well as the baby can actually use. When trying to pick the perfect gift it is also a good idea for individuals to buy gifts that they would buy for their son. Clothing and fun gifts are toys are some of the most popular gifts for baby boys and most individuals find they can’t go wrong when they go that route.
10 Tips For Happy Breastfeeding Technique
- Make sure you are have some breastfeeding clothes that open at the front well enough to allow you to hold your baby close to your breast. Better still, go topless while you are learning to breastfeed. This has many advantages. It provides close skin to skin contact with your baby which boosts those warm fuzzy feeling hormones which will make lots of milk.
- Hold your baby close and remove any wraps or excess clothing.
- Make sure you baby's entire body is turned towards you so that the hips, tummy and chest are against you.
- Gently touch the baby's mouth with the nipple. Your baby will open its mouth instinctively when you bring the nipple to it. This is the rooting reflex.
- Some mothers find it helpful to support the breast with the opposite hand as the baby attaches. If you do this make sure that your hand is well away from the areola so as not to get in the way of the baby's mouth.
- Encourage your baby to open the mouth nice and wide.
- As you brush your nipple against the mouth, your baby will open wide for the breast. Avoid moving the breast or chasing the open mouth. Hold the breast still and the natural rooting reflex will help your baby to find the nipple. Just wait for the open mouth and bring your baby nice and close. The tongue will come forward and you baby will latch on. Most of the time this ensures a good, natural attachment. If you have trouble or feel unsure, ask for help.
- Bring the baby to the breast rather than the breast to the baby.
- You might find it helpful to support your baby behind the shoulders as you bring it to the breast in quick, gentle motion.
Sometimes in spite of a mothers best efforts and all the encouragement and support in the world, breastfeeding challenges cannot be conquered.